By: Kevin Smith, In the Open

Open AccessRecently there has been a spate of comment expressing frustration about the allegedly slow progress of open access, and especially Green open access. It is hard to disagree with some of this sentiment, but it is important that frustration not lead us into trying to solve a problem with a worse solution. The key, I believe, to making real advances in open access is to walk away from the commercial publishers who have dominated the market for scholarship. Only if we do that can libraries free up money from our collection budgets to do truly new things. A new business model with the same old players, even if it were possible, would be a mistake.

The most articulate call for an open access future for scholarship – the Budapest Open Access Initiative — was issued fifteen years ago, in February 2002. There is no one better qualified to speak about the meaning of that declaration today than Professor Jean-Claude Guédon, who signed the original Budapest statement and last month published a brilliant and compelling article about where we are and where we need to go next in the movement toward open access scholarship.

Guédon covers a lot of ground in his article “Open Access: Toward the Internet of the Mind.” I want to focus on two points, one I think of as a warning and the other a signpost.


Sharing the Science

Free the Science Week

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In April 2017, ECS celebrated its first annual Free the Science Week, giving the world a preview of what complete open access to peer-reviewed scientific research will look like.

Free the Science Week is part of ECS’s long-term Free the Science initiative, which will provide free access to the peer-reviewed research in the entire ECS Digital Library, not just for a week, but permanently.

Here are just a few insights from the week:


By: Elizabeth Gilbert, The Medical University of South Carolina and Katie Corker, Grand Valley State University

ResearchWhat is “open science”?

Open science is a set of practices designed to make scientific processes and results more transparent and accessible to people outside the research team. It includes making complete research materials, data and lab procedures freely available online to anyone. Many scientists are also proponents of open access, a parallel movement involving making research articles available to read without a subscription or access fee.

Why are researchers interested in open science? What problems does it aim to address?

Recent research finds that many published scientific findings might not be reliable. For example, researchers have reported being able to replicate only 40 percent or less of cancer biology results, and a large-scale attempt to replicate 100 recent psychology studies successfully reproduced fewer than half of the original results.

This has come to be called a “reproducibility crisis.” It’s pushed many scientists to look for ways to improve their research practices and increase study reliability. Practicing open science is one way to do so. When scientists share their underlying materials and data, other scientists can more easily evaluate and attempt to replicate them.

Also, open science can help speed scientific discovery. When scientists share their materials and data, others can use and analyze them in new ways, potentially leading to new discoveries. Some journals are specifically dedicated to publishing data sets for reuse (Scientific Data; Journal of Open Psychology Data). A paper in the latter has already been cited 17 times in under three years – nearly all these citations represent new discoveries, sometimes on topics unrelated to the original research.


Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (2e)Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (2nd Edition), by Mark E. Orazem and Bernard Tribollet, provides the fundamentals needed to apply impedance spectroscopy to a broad range of applications with emphasis on obtaining physically meaningful insights from measurements. The second edition provides expanded treatment of the influence of mass transport, time-constant dispersion, kinetics, and constant-phase elements.

The new edition improves on the clarity of some of the chapters, more than doubling the number of examples. It has more in-depth treatment of background material needed to understand impedance spectroscopy, including electrochemistry, complex variables, and differential equations. This title includes expanded treatment of the influence of mass transport and kinetics, and reflects recent advances in the understanding of frequency dispersion and interpretation of constant-phase elements.

This monograph is sponsored by ECS, and published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

About the Authors

Mark E. Orazem is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Florida. He organized the 6th International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedence Spectroscopy and teaches a short course on impedance spectroscopy for The Electrochemical Society.

Bernard Tribollet is the Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and Associate Director of the Laboratoire Interfaces et Systémes Electrochemique at Pierre and Marie Curie University. Dr. Tribollet instructs an annual short course on impedance spectroscopy.

Visit the ECS Online Store to purchase your copy today!

ECSTTen new issues of ECS Transactions (ECST) have just been published for the upcoming 231st ECS Meeting. The papers in these issues of ECST will be presented in New Orleans, Louisiana, May 28 – June 1, 2017.

ECST Volume 77, Issues 1 to 10 can now be accessed online through the ECS Digital Library.

These issues are also available for purchase from the ECS Online Store:

  1. 1. Battery Electrolytes
  2. 2. Emerging Materials for Post CMOS Devices/Sensing and Applications 8
  3. 3. Plasma Nano Science and Technology
  4. 4. Processes at the Semiconductor Solution Interface 7
  5. 5. Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 7
  6. 6. Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices 18
  7. 7. Solid-State Electronics and Photonics in Biology and Medicine 4
  8. 8. Properties and Applications of 2-Dimensional Layered Materials 2
  9. 9. Oxygen or Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis for Water Electrolysis 3
  10. 10. Solid-Gas Electrochemical Interfaces 2 – SGEI 2

All issues are currently in stock as CD/USB combos, but will also be made available for purchase as instant PDF downloads beginning May 27, 2017.

While at the ECS meeting in New Orleans, limited CD/USB copies will be purchasable at registration – please be sure to stop by to browse available issues and to check out our new exhibit booth!

ECSTA new issue of ECS Transactions (ECST) has just been published. This issue includes 19 papers which will be presented at the Sixth International Conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors (ULSIC vs. TFT 6), in Schloss Hernstein, Hernstein, Austria, May 21-25, 2017.

ECST Volume 79, Issue 1 can be found here.

Issues of ECST can also be purchased in the ECS ONLINE STORE as full-text digital downloads.

JSS CoverDeadline: June 14, 2017

ECS is seeking to fill the position of Technical Editor in the Dielectric Science & Materials Topical Interest Area for the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS).

The Dielectric Science & Materials (DSM) Topical Interest Area (TIA) includes theoretical and experimental aspects of inorganic and organic dielectric materials, including electrical, physical, optical, and chemical properties. Specific topics include growth processes; reliability; modeling and property measurements; polarizability; bulk and interfacial properties; interphases; reaction kinetics; phase transformations; thermodynamics; electric and ionic transport; polymers; high k, low k, and embedded dielectrics; porous dielectrics; thin and ultra-thin films.

JSS has been in existence since 2012. It was created as an outgrowth of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) to deal more exclusively in solid state topics. JES and JSS provide unparalleled opportunities to disseminate basic research and technology results in electrochemical and solid state science and technology. JSS publishes a minimum of 14 regular and focus issues each year. All ECS journals offer author choice open access.

ECS maintains 13 TIAs, and there is one Technical Editor (TE) for each TIA, supported by Associate Editors and an editorial advisory board. TEs for the ECS journals ensure the publication of original, significant, well-documented, rigorously peer-reviewed articles that meet the objectives of the relevant journal, and are within the scope of the Society’s TIAs.


PhosphorsSubmit your manuscripts for the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) Focus Issue on Visible and Infrared Phosphor Research and Applications by July 29, 2017.

Rapid changes are taking place in the area of luminescent materials research from basic understanding to novel applications. This is due to the recent progresses in the area of phosphors for LED applications and the need for novel luminescent materials for applications in medical research as biosensors, solar cells, infrared sensors, and display technologies. These developments have led to new questions and new techniques related to basic research in the field of luminescence.

The main goal of this focus issue of the JSS is to provide a comprehensive picture of the current trends in research of phosphor emitting in the visible and IR regions.

Review and contributed papers are welcome in the following topics:


Tech Highlights

Tech HighlightsECS journals was prepared by Colm Glynn and David McNulty of University College Cork, Ireland, David Enos of Sandia National Laboratories, Zenghe Liu of Verily Life Science, and Donald Pile of Rolled-Ribbon Battery Company. Each article highlighted here is available free online.

Performance of Three-Dimensional LiMn2O4/Carbon Composite Cathodes Prepared Via Sol-Gel Impregnation

With the ever advancing improvements in electronics and display technologies, it is crucial that Li-ion batteries are able to rise to the challenge of powering next generation consumer electronics. Consequently, the development of electrode materials for Li-ion batteries that are capable of delivering high capacities with stable capacity retention is of the utmost importance. Researchers from the University of Bremen have investigated the fabrication of 3D composite cathodes consisting of LiMn2O4 particles deposited directly onto an electrically conductive matrix of carbon fibres via sol-gel impregnation. The electrochemical performance of the composite cathodes was evaluated as a function of the number of sol impregnation steps. Through systematic galvanostatic cycling, the researchers determined that high capacity cathodes could be obtained from increased filling of the carbon matrix with the LMO sol. A cathode sample after four filling cycles demonstrated a discharge capacity of 132mAh g-1 after 50 cycles, corresponding to ~89% of the theoretical capacity of LiMn2O4.

Additionally, as a proof-of-concept, LMO cathodes were cycled against Lithium Titanate (LTO) anodes in a solid state battery (SSB) setup. The evaluation of these cells offers valuable insight for future SSB applications.


ECSTA new issue of ECS Transactions (ECST) has just been published from the XXXI National Congress of the Mexican Society of Electrochemistry/9th Meeting of the ECS Mexican Section.

The papers in this issue of ECST were presented in Monterrey, Mexico on May 30, 2016 – June 3, 2016. ECST Volume 76, Issue 1 can be found here.

Full text PDF issues of ECST can also be purchased in the ECS ONLINE STORE as full-text digital downloads.

Posted in Publications