Be sure to read Prof. Rashmi Jha’s article, “Emerging Memory Devices Beyond Conventional Data Storage: Paving the Path for Energy-Efficient Brain-Inspired Computing,” in the spring 2023 issue of The Electrochemical Society Interface.

The article aims to address “limitations of the memory bandwidth of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, and the necessity of novel computing architectures to overcome this limitation” (Jha, 2023).

Rashmi Jha is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Cincinnati (UC). Her research interests are in artificial intelligence; low-power neuromorphic systems; CMOS and other emerging logic and memory devices; on-die sensors; cross-technology heterogenous integration and modeling; cybersecurity with an emphasis on hardware security; additive, flexible, and wearable electronics; nanoelectronics; neuroscience and neuroelectronics; and bio-inspired computing and systems. (more…)

Posted in Publications

ECS Editorial Opportunities

The ECS Publications team seeks qualified individuals to serve The Electrochemical Society’s publications programs. Our family of journals is led and supported by dedicated experts focused on furthering ECS’s mission to advance theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects. Those serving the Society in editorial roles volunteer their time and talents to achieve the greatest possible distribution by maximizing the journals’ value to readers and authors, and the quality and quantity of journal submissions. (more…)

Publish open access with ECS

When you choose to publish your research on an open-access platform, you choose to share your work with the scientific community in the spirit of advancing scientific discovery.

ECS, in partnership with IOP, is making it simple for authors to choose open access! If you are fearful of the direct cost of open access article processing charges (APCs), be sure to research ways to reduce or eliminate APCs before submission.


Guest Editors

David E. Cliffel, Vanderbilt University, U.S.
Peter Holtappels, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany
Yun Jeong Hwang, Seoul National University, South Korea
Ifan Stephens, Imperial College London, UK
Xiao-Dong Zhou, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, U.S.

While society needs to approach or surpass net zero carbon emissions by 2050 if the planet as we know it is to survive, most of the low carbon technologies that we promote (such as electric vehicles) cannot achieve net zero when considered over their whole life cycle. It is, therefore, essential that these important low carbon technologies be augmented by technologies that consume more carbon than they emit over their lifetime. These are best termed “carbon negative technologies.”

This collaborative focus issue between JPhys Energy and Journal of The Electrochemical Society  brings together researchers from the international community to showcase the latest research on carbon negative technologies, fostering the exchange of ideas and addressing global challenges and opportunities. (more…)

ECS seeks to fill the position of Associate Editor for the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology in the Dielectric Science and Materials (DSM) topical interest area (TIA).

Self nominations are due no later than June 1, 2023

Nominees for these positions must possess and maintain scientific knowledge of the scope of the DSM topical interest area—theoretical and experimental aspects of inorganic and organic dielectric materials, including electrical, physical, optical, and chemical properties. Specific topics include: (more…)

Honoring Global Volunteer Month and Celebrate Diversity Month

During the month of April, we honor both Global Volunteer Month and Celebrate Diversity Month. This month is a time to reflect and remind us of the importance of the globally diverse stewardship that technical societies rely on to forward their missions.

The Editorial Boards leading and supporting The Electrochemical Society publications include experts in the fields of electrochemistry and solid state science from a range of gender identities, races, career levels, nationalities, cultures, and languages.



Following the great success of the highly cited reviews published in the first Sensor Reviews focus issue, the Journal of The Electrochemical Society is publishing a follow-up focus issue, Sensor Reviews II. The second edition of the focus issue highlights the current state of the art regarding the (micro/nano) fabrication of electrochemical sensors devices, including the adoption of nanomaterials, synthetic receptors, smart and porous materials, 3D architectures, AI and machine learning tools, to be applied to clinical, environmental, pharmaceutical, agri-food, and industrial fields. (more…)

ECS seeks to fill the position of Technical Editor for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society in the Electrochemical Engineering (Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering [IE&EE]) topical interest area (TIA).

Interested candidates should complete the ECS Editorial Opportunities Form and upload all required materials on or before the deadline.

Submit now

Self-nominations are due no later than May 15, 2023 


The Electrochemical Society eagerly invites you to our third on-site “Meet the Editors” event at the upcoming 243rd ECS Meeting. Connect with 12 esteemed editors of our family of journals at the ECS booth. They are there to answer your questions on journal processes and discuss editorial opportunities and the vision for ECS Publications’ growth. As you determine your personal meeting schedule, take this opportunity to interact directly with ECS Publications Editorial Team members!


BatteryThe Journal of The Electrochemical Society, in collaboration with Electrochemical Safety Research Institute (ESRI), UL Research Institutes, is publishing a focus issue titled Journey of Lithium-Ion: Performance, Safety, and Lifespan. The Electrochemical Safety Research Institute (ESRI)—one of five UL Research Institutes—conducts fundamental scientific research to understand the safety and performance of energy technologies.

In recent years, renewable energy technologies have emerged as one of the highest priority solutions to climate change. But they also present very real risks; for example, key chemicals inside lithium-ion batteries pose life-threatening harm if they aren’t manufactured, stored, and recycled correctly. Our scientists explore the safety and performance limits of storage batteries and other renewable energy technologies and investigate how we can overcome those limits safely. Through our discovery-driven research, we innovate, test, model, and lay the foundation for electrochemical energy storage that is reliable and safe. (more…)

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