Applications due May 1, 2023

The 8th Annual Next Generation Electrochemistry (NGenE) meeting takes place in person from June 5-9, 2023, at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

NGenE organizers invite doctoral students and postdoc researchers working in electrochemistry to apply for this intense exploration of the frontiers of electrochemistry. The program is free to those admitted. Lodging and transportation support are provided free of charge.

ECS is proud to sponsor the event, which is presented in partnership with the Argonne National Laboratory.

Apply now


Register for Dr. Rana Mohtadi’s April 19 presentation

The ECS Detroit Section invites you to “Towards Enabling Battery Chemistries Beyond Traditional Li-ion” presented by Dr. Rana Mohtadi at Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America, Inc. on April 19, 2023, at 1800h ET.

Register now


The ECS Energy Technology Division election is now open. The division has a great slate of candidates this year with two candidates for division treasurer. Their biographical sketches and statements follow.

ECS division officers serve as volunteers. We urge all ECS Energy Technology members to take part in this important election! Voting is open from April 3 through April 28. Voting instructions and the link to the electronic voting proxy are at the end of the page. (more…)

Register now for April 7 webinar

Join the ECS National Capital Section webinar on April 7, 2023, at 1200h ET with Dr. Chunsheng Wang from the University of Maryland presenting “Electrolyte Design for Li-ion and Li Metal Batteries.” Registration is free!

Register now


Congratulations to John Holoubek, University of California, San Diego, and Singyuk Hou, University of Maryland, College Park, the 2022 ECS Battery Division Student Research Award winners. Holoubek and Hou presented their award talks at the 242nd ECS Meeting in Atlanta, GA, where they received the awards from Y. Shirley Meng and Brett Lucht. 

Singyuk Hou
University of Maryland, College Park
A03-0211 Energy Storage with the Abundant Divalent Metal Batteries

Singyuk Hou’s academic career has focused on the research of electrolytes and interfaces for metal anodes. After completing her BS and MS in Chemistry, she started her PhD under the supervision of Professor Chunsheng Wang at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her PhD research is on the molecule-level control of the solvation structure using chelants that promote the charge transfer kinetics of magnesium and calcium metal batteries. It also extends to SEI engineering for high-energy lithium-ion and lithium metal batteries by developing novel electrolyte systems. She has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and co-authored four patents.


Dr. Alexander Forse
University of Cambridge, UK

Date: December 7, 2022
Time: 1300–1400h ET
Sponsor: Hiden Analytical



Wolfgang Zeier

Wolfgang Zeier

The ECS New England Section invites you to an in-person networking reception and seminar on Wednesday, November 30, at 1800h during the 2022 MRS Fall Meeting at the Sheraton Boston Hotel. Wolfgang Zeier from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and Helmholtz-Institut Münster presents “Understanding (effective) ionic transport in solids and solid-state batteries.”

Registration is free! You must pre-register to attend. Space is limited.


Topic Close-up #4

Symposium A05—Sodium and Zinc Batteries

Extended deadline for submitting abstracts:
December 16, 2022


Submit today!


Topic Close-up #1

Symposium A04Battery Student Slam 7

Extended deadline for submitting abstracts:
December 16, 2022


Submit today! (more…)

Dr. Jungwoo LeeThe ECS Detroit Section invites you to an in-person seminar on Monday, September 12, presented by Dr. Jungwoo Lee onsite at The Battery Show in Novi, MI. The Battery Show is the largest batteries and electric vehicles technologies tradeshow in the U.S. 

Register now


Dr. Jungwoo Lee
Co-Founder and CTO
South 8 Technologies 
