13 electrochemistry and solid state science and technology divisions
Each division listed below has corresponding topical interest areas through ECS.
Learn more about topical interest areas.
Divisions have robust awards and travel grants programs.
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See all division and section bylaws.
High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes (H-TEMP)
Established 1921
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion
Corrosion (CORR)
Established 1942
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Corrosion Science and Technology
Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE)
Established 1943
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Electrochemical Engineering
Dielectric Science and Technology (DS&T)
Established 1945
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Dielectric Science and Materials
Luminescence and Display Materials (LDM)
Established 1982
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Luminescence and Display Materials, Devices, and Processing
Electrodeposition (ELDP)
Established 1922
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Electrochemical/Electroless Deposition
Nanocarbons (NANO)
Established 1993
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Carbon Nanostructures and Devices
Electronics and Photonics (EPD)
Established 1931
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Electronic Materials and Processing –and– Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems
Organic and Biological Electrochemistry (OBE)
Established 1940
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Organic and Bioelectrochemistry
Energy Technology (ETD)
Established 1983
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, and Energy Conversion
Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry (PAE)
Established 1936
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry
Sensor (SENS)
Established 1988
Officers/executive committee
TIA: Sensors