Time | Abs# | Title |
o | 2264 |
Investigation on the Reducing Mechanism and Reducing Potential of Titanium Dioxide - W. Shulan (1) and L. Yingjun (2) |
o | 2265 |
The Ternary Ru+Ir+Ce Porous Insoluble Catalytic Anodes for Oxygen Evolution in Acid Solution - S.-C. Yen and J.-H. Huang (National Taiwan University) |
o | 2266 |
Study of an Oblique Rotating Barrel Electrochemical Reactor for Removal of Copper Ions from Wastewater - A. Al-Shammari (KFUPM), D.-T. Chin (Clarkson University), and S. Rahman (KFUPM) |
o | 2267 |
Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation of Vegetable Oil - S. Lalvani and K. Mondal (Southern Illinois University) |
o | 2268 |
Copper Platinum Deposition via DC and Pulsing Techniques Using A New Bath - S. Lalvani and K. Mondal (Southern Illinois University) |
o | 2269 |
The Preliminary Nonlinear Analysis of the Influence of Mass Transfer on Packed Bed Electrodes - Y.-P. Sun (Taiyuan University of Technology) and K. Scott (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne) |
o | 2270 |
Environmentally Benign Bleaching of Paper Pulps using Electron Transfer Mediators - D. Rochefort (Universite de Montreal), R. Bourbonnais, M. Paice (Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada), N. LeGrand, A. Sheridan, and D. Leech (National University of Ireland) |
o | 2271 |
Preparation and Use of Ti/PbO2 Anodes for the Oxidation of Cr(III) - D. Devilliers, M.T. Dinh Thi, E. Mahe (Universite Pierre and Marie Curie), and Q. Le Xuan (Institut de Technologie Tropicale) |
o | 2272 |
Electrodeposition of Lead from the Molten Salt Mixture PbCl2–ZnCl2–KCl - O. Zarubitskii (Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences) |
o | 2273 |
Decomposition of Environmental Pollutants by Microwave-Induced Plasma in Aqueous-and Gas-Phase under Atmospheric Pressure - Y. Shimizu, Y. Nakamoto, T. Essaki, H. Inada, T. Hyodo, and M. Egashira (Nagasaki University) |
o | 2274 |
The Effects of Additives on the Alumina Solubility in Cryolite Metals at 1300K - Y. Zhang and R. Rapp (The Ohio State University) |
o | 2275 |
Novel Electrochemical Processes and Technologies in Ionic Melts - A. Omelchuk, O. Zarubitskii, and S. Volkov (Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences) |
o | 2276 |
Global Mass Transport in the Capillary Gap Cell - F. Coueret (UMR) and T.Z. Fahidy (University of Waterloo) |
o | 2277 |
Electrical Conductivity of Carbon or Graphite Felts - F. Coeuret (UMR) |
o | 2278 |
The Influence of Phenylenediamine Additions on the Synthesis of Polyaniline - S. Grigic and L. Duic (University of Croatia) |
o | 2279 |
Study Of The Anodic Overvoltage During The Electrolytic Production Of Fluorine Gas - H. Groult, D. Devilliers, F. Lantelme (CNRS), C. Belhomme, F. Nicolas (Comurhex-Cogema), and J.-P. Caire (Domaine Universitaire) |
o | 2280 |
Reactional Electrolysis: Effective Method for Purification of Metals - L. Kozin and F. Manilevich (Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences) |
o | 2281 |
Concurrent Application of Reverse Osmosis and Vacuum Evaporation for the Recycle of Electroplating Wastewater - G.T. Lee, C.B. Shin (Ajou University), H.J. Kim, W.I. Cho, and B.W. Cho (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) |
o | 2282 |
Bubble Aggregation by Thermocapillary Motion During Electrolytic Gas Evolution - H. Kasumi, P. Sides, and J. Anderson (Carnegie Mellon University) |
o | 2283 |
Electroinitiated Copolymerization of Vinylic Molecules on gold Substrates - P. Aplincourt (ENS), C. Bauvais, J. Charlier, and S. Palacin (CEA) |
o | 2284 |
Electrocatalytical Membrane Cell Processes for Removal of NO and SO_2 from Power Plant Flue Gases - S.B. Rasmussen, K.M. Eriksen, and R. Fehrmann (Technical University of Denmark) |
o | 2285 |
Modeling and Simulation:Optimization of Reactor Geometries with respect to a Homogeneous Deposit Profile - B. Mollay, J.O. Besenhard, G. Fafilek, H. Kronberger, and G.E. Nauer (ECHEM) |
o | 2286 |
Replacement of Abestos in the Diaphragm Cell Process for Manufacture of Chlorine and Caustic Soda - S. Ahmed and P. Foller (PPG Industries, Inc.) |