Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award

Nomination period: October 15 – January 15, annually 
Presented: ECS fall meeting, annually

The Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award was established in 2015 to recognize outstanding early career researchers in the field of electrochemical deposition science and technology. Early recognition of highly qualified scientists is intended to enhance their stature and encourage especially promising researchers to remain active in the field.

Eligibility criteria
  • Outstanding research accomplishments;
  • Early career investigators are within 10 years of completing their PhDs, as of June 1 of the nominating year;
  • Current ECS member.
Nomination guidelines

Individuals closely familiar with nominees’ research may submit nominations.

A complete nomination package includes:

  • Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
  • Nomination letter with a summary of the nominee’s research activities and accomplishments outlining the most important aspects of their work and the resulting contributions to electrochemical deposition science and technology. The importance of the nominee’s achievements should be assessed independently from the research conducted in the mentor’s group;
  • Curriculum vitae with a record of achievements (e.g., list of publications, awards, presentations, involvement with scientific societies, etc.).

Unsuccessful nominations are automatically considered for one additional award cycle as long as eligibility remains valid (i.e., candidates completed their PhDs within 10 years of the award nomination year). Candidates applying exactly 10 years after receiving their PhDs do not receive repeat consideration.

Electrodeposition Division Early-Career Investigator Award Committee members may not submit nominations or letters of support during their terms of service.


The award consists of:

  • Scroll;
  • USD $1,000;
  • Complimentary ECS meeting registration;
  • ELDP Division Business Meeting and Luncheon Ticket.
Recipient obligations

The recipient presents a lecture on their research at an ECS Electrodeposition Division symposium at the Society’s fall meeting when the award is presented.


For more information or questions, contact awards@electrochem.org.

Review the Society’s robust Honors & Awards and Fellowships & Grants Programs.


Roberto Bernasconi
Fudong Han
Jingxu Zheng
Trevor Braun
Myung Jun Kim
Jon Ustarroz
Jiahua Zhu
Yihua Liu