Sensor Division Student Research Award

Nomination period: October 15 – January 15, annually
Presented: ECS fall meeting, annually

The ECS Sensor Division Student Research Award was established in 2021 to recognize promising graduate students for conducting outstanding research in the field of sensors.

Eligibility criteria
  • Current member of The Electrochemical Society with Sensor division as the primary division;
  • Enrolled in a college or university at the time of the nomination deadline;
  • At least one publication in an ECS journal relevant to the ECS Sensor Division topical interest area (TIA).
Nomination Submission

A complete nomination package includes:

  • Completed Electronic nomination form;
  • Nominee’s curriculum vitae (CV) that includes a record of achievements (e.g., publications, technical presentations, patents, etc.);
  • Recent copy of nominee’s college/university transcript to show evidence of current enrollment;
  • List of nominee’s key published or accepted paper(s); minimum of one in an ECS journal as lead or contact author relevant to a Sensor division TIA;
  • Nomination letter from the nominee’s research supervisor;
  • Optional: up to two additional letters of support evaluating nominee’s qualifications.

Nominations are for one award cycle only.

ECS Sensor Division Student Research Award Committee members may not submit nominations or letters of support during their terms of service on the committee.

  • Framed certificate;
  • USD $500;
  • Complimentary meeting registration;
  • ECS Sensor Division Business Luncheon ticket.
Recipient obligations

The award recipient presents a talk at the ECS Sensor Division symposium at the Society’s fall meeting when the award is presented.


For more information or questions, contact

Review the Society’s robust Honors & Awards and Fellowships & Grants Programs.


Yaoli Zhao