From left to right: Ramchandra Gawas, Thomas Lee Spencer, and Junpei Koike; photo by Robb Cohen Photography and Video
Established in 1993, the General Student Poster Session Awards acknowledge the excellence of students’ work. The winners display their understanding of research topics in fields of interest to The Electrochemical Society (ECS).
This year, at the 236th ECS Meeting in Atlanta, GA, almost 600 students submitted posters to the General Student Poster Session. Of them, three student posters stood out above the rest.
The recipients of the 235th ECS Meeting’s best poster awards are:
1st Place – $1,500 cash award
Ramchandra Gawas, Drexel University
Poster # 2310
“Ionic Liquid Composite Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction“
2nd Place – $1,000 cash award
Thomas Lee Spencer, Georgia Institute of Technology
Poster # 2311
“Optimal Bio-Inspired Sniffing for Improved E-Nose Detection”
3rd Place – $500 cash award
Junpei Koike, Green Hydrogen Research Center, Yokohama National University
Poster # 2333
“The Effect of Flow Field Property in Toluene Direct Electro-Hydrogenation Electrolyzer”
To be eligible for the general student poster session awards, students must submit their abstracts to the Z01 General Student Poster Session symposium and present their posters at the biannual meeting. Learn more about the general student poster session.
Participants in the 236th ECS Meeting general student poster session are encouraged to submit their work to ECSarXiv, the Society’s preprint service. Preprints are a way to get your research seen fast and easily.
ECS thanks the following individuals who served as judges for the Z01 General Student Poster Session:
- Andreas Bund, Technische Universitat Ilmenau
- Vimal Chaitanya, New Mexico State University
- Vito Di Noto, Deptartment of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova
- Stefan De Gendt, K U Leuven, imec
- Dong Ding, Idaho National Laboratory
- Andrew Campion Hillier, Ames Laboratory
- Yoshinao Hoshi, Tokyo University of Science
- Adriana Ispas, Technische Universität Ilmenau
- Hemanth Jagannathan, IBM Corporation Research Center
- Shrisudersan Jayaraman, Corning Incorporated
- Xingbo Liu, U.S. DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory
- Milad Navaei, Georgia Tech Research Institute
- Yaw Obeng, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Michelle Rasmussen, Lebanon Valley College
- Diane Smith, San Diego State University
- John Staser, Ohio University
- Eiji Tada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Gang Wu. University at Buffalo, the State University of New York
- Kang C. Xu, United States Army Research Laboratory
Review all the Z01 General Student Poster Session abstracts in the online program.
Congratulations to the award winners. Thank you everyone who participated in the General Student Poster Session!