Topic Close-up #16
Symposium G02: Silicon Compatible Emerging Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced CMOS and Post-CMOS Applications 12
Extended Deadline for Submitting Abstracts:
December 17, 2021
Symposium focus: This symposium focuses on the science, materials, processes, technologies, and applications required to enhance the performance of CMOS and post-CMOS technology. Additional topical areas include nanostructures, analog, and digital integrated circuits to further enable revolutionary technology with entirely new functionalities to augment the current computing and hardware paradigm.
The symposium features invited talks from leading researchers in the areas of advanced semiconductor materials, devices and processing, photonics, spintronics, heterogeneous integration, quantum, and neuromorphic computing. In addition, a Best Student Paper and Best Contributed Paper awards are given as part of the symposium.
Check the Call for Papers for more details.