Topic Close-up #7
Symposium L06: Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale
Extended Deadline for Submitting Abstracts:
December 17, 2021
Symposium focus: This symposium covers all aspects of electrochemistry at the nanoscale, including: nanoparticulate, nanostructured, and nanostructured materials; electrochemical processes occurring in nanoconfined spaces and the electrical double layer; functional materials at the nanoscale; and corrosion and degradation occurring at the nanoscale or on nanomaterials. The symposium invites papers on new developments in the synthesis, electrochemical evaluation, and corrosion of nanomaterials, as well as experimental approaches for studying the phenomena occurring at electrified interfaces at the nanoscale or in nanoconfined electrolytes. The symposium also invites papers in which nanostructured materials and interfaces are being integrated into electrochemical devices that benefit from or display specific properties that arise from the nanoscale features.
Check the Call for Papers for more details.