Topic Close-up #12
Symposium E02 – Nucleation and Growth: Measurements, Processes, and Materials
Extended Deadline for Submitting Abstracts:
December 17, 2021
Symposium focus: Contributions are solicited addressing:
- Classical and non-classical nucleation in electrochemistry;
- Manipulating nucleation and growth processes to control morphological evolution during growth, from smooth thin films to anisotropic growth of nanowires, dendrites, and foams;
- Advanced imaging, scattering, spectroscopic, and electroanalytical tools to probe the above processes;
- Discovery science and mechanistic studies related to emerging applications in battery electrodes and micro- and nano-fabrication and high value-added electrolytic processes for materials synthesis;
- Multiscale computational studies.
The content of the symposium will be captured subsequently in a focus issue of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society.
Check the Call for Papers for more details.