Interested in the physical and analytical electrochemistry field? Check our list of symposia on that and related topics taking place at the 245th ECS Meeting in San Francisco, CA from May 26 – 30, 2024. Submit your abstract and join us!
Abstract deadline: December 1, 2023
These exciting symposia focus on physical and analytical electrochemistry topics:
- L01—Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry, Electrocatalysis, and Photoelectrochemistry General Session
- L02—Computational Electrochemistry 9
- L03—Electrochemical Studies by Synchrotron Techniques 3
- L04—Bioelectroanalysis and Bioelectrocatalysis 3
- L05—Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale 2
- L06—Analytical Electrochemistry for Electrosynthesis
- L07—Electrochemistry and Switchable Qubits
- Z02—Education in Electrochemistry 4
See the Call for Papers for detailed information!
Check these related topics:
- I01—Low Temperature Water Electrolysis (LT-WE) for H2 Production 2
- I03—Materials for Low Temperature Electrochemical Systems 10
- I06—Energy Conversion Based on N, P, and Other Nutrients 3
- K02—Bioelectrochemistry – From Ions to Proteins to Living Organisms
- K03—Organic and Biological 3D Electrode Architectures
- Z01—General Student Poster Session
For more information on 245th ECS Meeting symposia, see topic close-ups.
PS: Know someone interested in physical and analytical electrochemistry topics? Forward this link to them!