ECS is proud to partner with the March for Science, a global event taking place on May 4, 2019. On this day, scientists and science advocates around the world will march to highlight the important role that science plays in improving lives, solving problems, and informing evidence-based policy.
Marches will be held in over 100 locations. Attendees may also join the march taking place in New York City at noon at Foley Square.
The March for Science aligns strongly with ECS’s Free the Science initiative, which aims to one-day offer complete, free, and unlimited access to the ECS Digital Library so that critically important research in human and environmental sustainability can become accessible to all.
ECS fully endorses the March’s non-partisan, educational, and diversity goals and encourages its members to adhere to these values as they get involved in one of the numerous marches taking place throughout the world.
You can help represent ECS at your march by using our #FreetheScience graphic on your signs, or by using the hashtags #FreetheScience, #MarchforScience, and #May4Science on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.