Clarivate Analytics has recently published its annual list of Highly Cited Researchers with the overarching declaration that “whether ‘Highly Cited’ or ‘Hot,’ these researchers are making a significant impact.”

Some of our most distinguished ECS members have been noted this year as the “world’s most influential scientific minds” often listed multiple times in the categories of physics, chemistry, and materials science.

Below, find a short list of those members of The Electrochemical Society whose research on electrochemistry and solid state science and technology is shaping the scientific discourse. Read the full article.

Hector Abruna
Radoslav Adzic (F)
Khalil Amine (F)
Peter Bruce
Jaephil Cho
Yury Gogotsi (F)

Liangbing Hu
Prashant Kamat (F)
Nathan Lewis
Arumugam Manthiram (F)
Arthur Nozik
Stefano Passerini

Bruno Scrosati (F)
Yang Shao-Horn (F)
Peter Strasser
Chunsheng Wang
Nianqiang Wu (F)
Jie Xiao


30 Under 30 in Energy

Perk up people, this is the Forbes list 30 under 30 in energy edition. According to Forbes, each year their reporters spend months combing through possible contestants. Questionnaires, online digging, contact recommendations, and a panel of expert judges all help sift through to the top remaining candidates.

This year, Forbes focused on the movers and shakers of the battery field. With a worldwide $200 billion a year investment in wind and solar power generation projects, the revolution in renewables, and the transition to low-carbon energy sources is undeniable. And for that reason, we highlight three—just the tip of the iceburg—from the top thirty list.

Meghana Bollimpalli

Meghana Bollimpalli/Credit: Forbes

I don’t know what you were doing when you were 17, but Meghana Bollimpalli, a student at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas was inspired by a seminar on energy storage. Bollimpalli began working towards figuring out a way to make supercapacitors from cheaper materials. She discovered a mixture of tea powder, molasses, and tannin, with a pinch of phosphorous and nitrogen, could achieve the same performance as a platinum-based electrode, for just $1 each, taking home the 2018 Intel Foundation Young Scientist award. Not bad for a high school student. (more…)

3D‑printed Glucose Biosensors

Arda Gozen, assistant professor, WSU School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. Photo Credit: WSU

Living with any disease isn’t easy. In particular, when it comes to living with diabetes, it involves an imposed routine of finger pricking and monitoring of glucose levels in order to simply maintain a healthy lifestyle. So you can imagine, any technology that can ease the sting is welcomed. Researchers at Washington State University have developed a 3D‑printed glucose biosensor for use in wearable monitors that may forever change how millions monitor their glucose levels.

According to Futurism, the research team—led by Arda Gozen and Yuehe Lin—have developed 3D-printed sensors that could stick to a person’s skin and monitor glucose via bodily fluids, like sweat. The 3D-printed glucose monitor offers much better stability and sensitivity than those manufactured through traditional methods, according to Washington State University. In addition, compared to traditional manufacturing processes, these 3D-printed sensors also cut down costs and reduce waste like expensive cleanroom processing and harmful chemicals. (more…)

Haodong Liu, recipient of the Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation

Haodong Liu, a postdoc research fellow at UC San Diego, is the award winner of the Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation for his work on “Stable Li Metal Anode through Designed Solution Chemistry and Electrode Architecture.” Liu was presented with the award at AiMES 2018 in Cancun, Mexico.

Liu says being recognized for his work has been an exciting experience, bringing recognition to his name and research within the battery field. However, it has also meant something more to him in particular.

“Since my citizenship is in China, and a lot of the scholarships here are only for the US citizens, this is a good chance for international postdocs to get awards and be recognized,” explains Liu. “ECS only cares about the quality of the work you’re doing instead of what’s your citizenship status. That’s why I really appreciate ECS.” (more…)

2019 ECS Meetings!

ECS is excited to host and support the events below in 2019. We are already working hard on making these meetings a success and we hope that you will start planning the ways you’ll be able to participate or partner with us next year!

IBA 2019 – International Battery Association

March 3-8, 2019
San Diego, California
Important Deadline:

  • Early Registration: February 1, 2019 (more…)

The 2018 San Francisco Section Daniel Cubicciotti Student Award Goes to Yuzhang Li!

Yuzhang Li is a PhD student working with Professor Yi Cui on next-generation energy storage technologies at Stanford University. His research approach seeks to tackle problems from both an applied and fundamental perspective, which is necessary for the development of high energy density batteries. (more…)

Jon Ustarroz

Jon Ustarroz, recipient of the Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award

Jon Ustarroz, assistant professor of the Analytical & Interfacial Chemistry group at the Université libre de Bruxelles and part-time research professor of the Electrochemical and Surface Engineering group (SURF) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, is the recipient of the Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award for his paper on “Electrochemical Growth Mediated by Nanocluster Aggregation: Implications and Perspectives.” He was honored with the award at AiMES 2018 in Cancun, Mexico.

Ustarroz says he’s proud to be a recipient of the award, which adds to his recognition within the field.

“For somebody who is young like me, and little people know about within the academic community, this has allowed me to get higher visibility and to prove to people who do not know me of what I’m capable of,” says Ustarroz.


Jacobsen Award Winner: Jamie Noël

Congratulations to Jamie Noël on winning the 2019 ECS Canada Section R.C. Jacobsen Award.

The ECS Canada Section has four awards within the recognition program. The Canada Section R.C. Jacobsen Award was established in 1986 to recognize notable and significant contributions to the functioning of the Canada Section. The award is for dedicated members who have and continue to make a difference to the Canada Section and ECS as a whole. (more…)

Roal Society of Chemistry2019 Call for Nominations

This is the formal call for nominations for the Faraday Medal and the newly-established Roger Parsons Medal of the RSC Electrochemistry Group for 2019.

The Faraday Medal is currently awarded annually by the Electrochemistry Group of the RSC to an electrochemist working outside the UK and Ireland in recognition of their outstanding original contributions and innovation as a mid-career researcher in any field of electrochemistry.

The Roger Parsons Medal is a new award by the Royal Society of Chemistry Electrochemistry Group to an independent early career electrochemist working in the UK or Ireland in recognition of their contributions to any field of electrochemistry. (more…)

Raymond Smith

Raymond Smith, recipient of the ECS Norman Hackerman Young Author Award

Raymond Smith was presented with the Norman Hackerman Young Author Award for his paper on “Multiphase Porous Electrode Theory” published in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. The award recognizes the best paper published by young authors or co-authors in JES the prior year.

Smith, who holds a PhD in chemical engineering from MIT and works as a senior engineer at Tesla, said he was blown away when he heard he was nominated for the award.

“Being in the community and engaging in this way has been special,” says Smith, who was presented with the award at AiMES 2018 in Cancun, Mexico. “Coming to the meeting has provided great motivation.”

His paper aimed to unify work that his team and other teams have done in the field in order to highlight connections that weren’t obvious before.