Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
December 28, 2018
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #4

Symposium A06: Battery Safety and Failure Modes

Symposium Focus: Energy storage needs for advanced industrial and consumer electronics devices demand increasingly higher lithium-ion battery (LIB) specific energy and power densities. Increased LIB functionality via higher specific energy, extremely fast charging, and sophisticated management systems increases the need for a better understanding of LIB safety. (more…)

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
December 28, 2018
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #2

Symposium A04: Battery Student Slam 3

Symposium Focus: This special symposium is dedicated to students working on energy storage and energy conversion. In the student slam, we offer an opportunity for students to present flash oral presentations of their work in a 10-minute time slot. All students enrolled at any valid degree-granting institution may submit an abstract describing the presentation. Of particular interest are new materials and designs, performance studies, and modeling of all types of batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells, including aqueous, non-aqueous, polymer electrolytes, solid electrolytes, and flow systems. We strongly encourage students to submit their papers to this symposium instead of other symposia sponsored by the Battery Division at this meeting. (more…)

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
December 28, 2018
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #3

Symposium I05: Heterogeneous Functional Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage 2

Symposium focus: This symposium will focus on the science that controls emergent properties in heterogeneous functional materials as a foundation for the design of functional material devices with performance not bounded by constituent properties.

Providing a unique venue for both contributed and invited speakers to present the latest advances in novel modeling approaches, advanced 3-D imaging and characterization techniques, novel material synthesis and manufacturing methods to create highly ordered material structure, and applications of heterogeneous functional materials in devices for energy conversion and storage.

This symposium especially encourages and welcomes contributed presentations. (more…)

2018 awards winners Han (left) and Lacey (right) with Caroline Cloutier (center) representing Mercedes Benz R&D.

Steven Lacey is one of the winners of the 2018 Battery Division Student Research Award sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development (check out the other winner, Fudong Han).

Lacey’s passion for electrochemistry and engineering began at a young age when he realized the need for a more fuel-efficient means of transportation while restoring classic cars with his father.


Earlier this year, the ECS Canada Section recognized a winner of its Electrochemical Award for the first time in eight years. Please congratulate Ashok Vijh.

Ashok Vijh is Maître-de-Recherche at the Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec and, concurrently, Invited Professor at the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) of Université du Québec.

Vijh is an electrochemist of international stature who has published over 380 refereed papers and seven books on various areas of interfacial electrochemistry. His original and extensive research contributions have advanced the following areas: the conversion and storage of energy (electrocatalysis, fuel cells, batteries, photoelectrochemical cells, and hydrogen economy), corrosion, and oxidation of metals.


Opening Up About Open Access

In honor of International Open Access Week, from October 22-18, The Scholarly Kitchen wrote a two-part series focusing on both publishers and researchers from disadvantaged global research landscapes. The following publishers and researchers share their thoughts, concerns, successes, and setbacks on their journey to complete access for all. (more…)

The Electrochemical Society aims to advance theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects. To better serve the needs of researchers, scientists, and engineers across the field, we’d like to gather your thoughts on open access, membership, and the ECS quarterly magazine, Interface. Your feedback will inform the future direction of ECS programs.

Let us know your thoughts


Improving Lead Batteries

Photo Credit: Essential Energy Everyday

Lead batteries have been around 1859. They’ve changed our lives, giving us car batteries, standby batteries in case power outages, electric vehicles, and more. Still, despite all this progress, no one really understands the inner workings of lead batteries. According to Essential Energy Everyday, for the last century, lead battery manufacturers have invested much of their research in creating function and production, without fully understanding the underlying chemistry. However, that’s soon said to change as lead batteries are headed for a “high-tech makeover.”

A team of researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium, and Electric Applications have joined forces to realize the potential of a venerable battery technology.

Venkat Srinivasan, director of the Argonne Collaborative Center for Energy Storage Science and ECS member, says this is a beautiful example of how synergy between industry and science can drive innovation. (more…)

ECS celebrated International Open Access Week 2018 by giving the world a preview of what complete open access to peer-reviewed scientific research looks like. ECS took down the paywall October 22-28, 2018 to the entire ECS Digital Library, making over 141,000 scientific articles and abstracts free and accessible to everyone.

Take a few minutes to tell us more about your Open Access Week experience.


Organization Membership with ECS

ECS Institutional Members

The ECS Institutional Membership Program provides a number of benefits for electrochemical and solid state science organizations from around the world. Institutional members are able to choose the benefit options that best help meet their organizational goals such as employee development, marketing and outreach opportunities, access to the ECS digital library, and publishing content with ECS.

Institutional membership allows each organization to create a benefits package allowing a customized engagement experience throughout our program areas. Examples of interests for different organization types are: (more…)