Join us at AiMES 2018

Early bird registration for AiMES 2018 in Cancun, Mexico is now open! We are excited to invite you to the Americas International Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid-State Science (AiMES 2018), a joint conference of the 234th ECS Meeting, the XXXIII Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Electroquimica (SMEQ), and the 11th Meeting of the Mexico Section of ECS.



Why attend?

As a must-attend event for scientists and engineers from across the globe, AiMES 2018 will introduce you to the latest research trends, and industry leaders, all of which will help you make major strides in your career. The unique blend of electrochemical and solid state science and technology at AiMES 2018 provides a forum to learn and exchange information on the latest scientific and technical developments in a variety of interdisciplinary areas. Look through the technical program to see a full list of the topics that will be covered.


Posted in Meetings

ECSTSixteen* new issues of ECS Transactions have just been added to the ECS Online Store for pre-order.

The following issues of ECST will be published from symposia held during AiMES 2018, the ECS and SMEQ joint international meeting, in Cancun, Mexico, September 30 – October 4, 2018,  and will be available in limited quantities for pick-up at the meeting.

Electronic (PDF) editions will be made available for purchase beginning September 21, 2018. To pre-order a CD or USB edition, please follow the links below:


Posted in Uncategorized

EPDThe Electronics and Photonics Division award was established in 1969 to encourage excellence in electronics research and outstanding technical contribution to the field of electronics science. For the purpose of this award, electronics science is defined as the engineering and physics of electronic and photonic devices, materials, manufacturing, and applications thereof. The award consists of a framed certificate, a $1,500 prize and the choice between travel assistance and division life membership.

The recipient will be asked to present a lecture at the 235th ECS Meeting in Dallas, TX in May 2019. Explore the full award details on the ECS website prior to completing the electronic application. Application deadline is August 1, 2018.

ECS recognizes outstanding technical achievements in electrochemistry and solid-state science and technology through its Honors & Awards Program. There are many deserving members of the Electronics and Photonics Division among us and this is an opportunity to highlight their contributions.

Posted in Awards

DST DivisionECS recognizes outstanding technical achievements in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology through its Honors & Awards Program. There are many deserving members of the Dielectric Science and Technology Division among us and this is an opportunity to highlight their contributions.

We are currently accepting nominations for the following award:

DST Thomas D. Callinan Award: established in 1967 to encourage excellence in dielectric investigations, to encourage the preparation of high-quality science and technology papers and patents, to encourage publication in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society, and to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of dielectric science and technology. The award consists of a scroll and a $1,500 prize. The recipient will be asked to present a lecture at the 235th ECS Meeting in Dallas, TX in May 2019.

The last winner of this award was Hiroshi Iwai, Professor Emeritus at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and vice dean and Distinguished Chair Professor of National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. In 2017, he presented an award talk called Dielectrics for Mos Integrated Circuits.

Submit a nomination and acknowledge the hard work of your peers! Nomination deadline is August 1, 2018.

Posted in Awards

2019 Awards Nominations

Apply now (or nominate someone you know) for a 2019 ECS award and join an elite group of Society, division and section past winners. Deadlines are this summer and fall. Click on the links below for further details.


ECS marked the 90th anniversary of ECS providing summer fellowships in 2018. The ECS summer fellowship program is designed to assist students during the summer months, June through September, in the pursuit of work in a field of interest to ECS.

2018 Fellowship Recipients:

Haegyeom KimHaegyeom Kim
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Supervisor, Professor Gerbrand Ceder
Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship*
Jeffery HendersonJeffrey Henderson
University of Western Ontario
Advisors, Dr. James Noel and Dr. David Shoesmith
Herbert H. Uhlig Summer Fellowship
Xinyou KeXinyou Ke
Case Western Reserve University
Advisor, Dr. Robert Savinell
F. M. Becket Summer Fellowship
Yi PengYi Peng
University of California – Santa Cruz
Advisor, Professor Shaowei Chen
Joseph W. Richards Summer Fellowship
Aashutosh MistryAashutosh Mistry
Purdue University
Advisor, Professor Partha Mukherjee
Edward G. Weston Summer Fellowship

*The Colin Garfield Fink Summer Fellowship Award is designed to assist a postdoctoral scientist or engineer in the pursuit of battery research during the summer months.

Applications for the 2019 ECS Summer Fellowships open on September 15, 2018.

Learn about additional ECS programs!

6 New ECS Student Chapters

Student Group in SeattleWhile in Seattle, WA at the 233rd ECS Meeting, the ECS Board of Directors approved the chartering of six new student chapters.

The student chapter program continues to grow as students harness the benefits of student chapter membership. ECS now has 75 student chapters around the world!

The six new student chapters are:

  • Complutense University of Madrid
  • Florida Institutional University
  • Ulm Student Chapter
  • University of Guelph
  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Yamagata University

ECS student chapter membership provides a number of benefits:

  • engage with fellow students and peers
  • opportunities to organize technical meeting programs and scholarly activities
  • collaborate with members to present posters at ECS bi-annual meetings
  • network of 8,000 international ECS members
  • access to career resources
  • impressive extracurricular activity for resume
  • funding to support chapter activities
  • partnership opportunities with local ECS Section on activities and technical programs
  • recognition on the ECS website and in quarterly publication, Interface

Visit the Student Center for more information about student chapter membership. Check out the Student Chapter Directory to see a listing of our current student chapters and get a sense of the scope of our network.

Interested in establishing an ECS student chapter at your academic institution? Read the guidelines for starting a chapter and fill out a New Student Chapter Application today!

Student Poster Winners

General Student Poster Session award winners from left to right: Jae Young Yoo, Hao Wang, Tammy Pham, Mario Cedano, David Reber

Established in 1993, the General Student Poster Session Awards acknowledge the eminence of a students’ work. The winners display an understanding of their research topic and its relation fields of interests to ECS.

Eligibility for the General Student Poster Session Awards requires students to submit their abstracts to the Z01 General Student Poster Session symposium and present their posters at the biannual meeting.


2017 Young Author Award Winners

Raymond Smith (left) and Shihyun Ahn (right), winners of the 2017 ECS young author awards.

ECS is pleased to announce the winners of the Society’s 2017 young author awards: Raymond Smith and Shihyun Ahn.

ECS presents two young author awards each year to recognize the best papers published by young authors in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society and the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology during the volume year preceding the award.

The 2017 young author awards will be presented at AiMES 2018 in Cancun, Mexico, September 30-October 4, 2018.


Soo Kim, IE&EE winner

2018 Soo Kim, IE&EE Division H.H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award winner

The winner of the 2018 Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division H.H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award is Soo Kim!

Each year, the ECS IE&EE Division recognizes and rewards promising young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry. The award was established in 1990 by a gift from the Dow Chemical Company Foundation and offers a framed certificate and a $1,000 prize. The nomination deadline is September 15 of each year.

Soo Kim received his PhD in materials science and engineering at Northwestern University in 2017 specializing in research and development of advanced battery materials. He received his BSE in chemical engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 2008 and MS in chemical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in 2009.

Before pursuing a doctorate degree in computational materials research, he worked at Samsung to develop Li-ion battery cathodes at industrial-scale (2010-2011), and as a staff scientist at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology with Byung-Won Cho and Kyung Yoon Chung (2011-2013) to experimentally synthesize more advanced cathode materials.

Kim has co-authored over 30 patents and peer-reviewed journal papers, and has been a recipient of multiple awards including the ECS Edward G. Weston Summer Research Fellowship (2016), Northwestern Computational Research Day Poster Competition Award (2016), ECS Battery Division Travel Grant (2014), and Fifty for the Future Award from Illinois Technology Foundation (2013). Kim is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is supervised by Yang Shao-Horn. He is concentrating on the synthesis in conjunction with performing density functional theory calculations to design functional materials for electrochemical energy conversion and storage applications.

Spring 2018 division awards were conferred at the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA in May. It was there that Soo delivered his award lecture called “Understanding the Mn-Based Oxide Electrode Materials and Beyond from First Principles and Experiment.”

Posted in Awards