The Electrochemical Society has appointed Robert G. Kelly of the University of Virginia School of Engineering & Applied Science as the new editor of Interface, the Society’s quarterly magazine, for a four-year term.

In publication since 1992, Interface serves as an authoritative yet accessible forum for the exchange of information relevant to the fields of electrochemical and solid state science and technology. The four-color magazine publishes technical articles, special features, and news for and about ECS members. The publication is currently in its 27th volume year.


JSS CoverApplication deadline is June 18, 2018.

ECS (The Electrochemical Society) is seeking to fill the position of editor of ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. Candidates should have qualities of leadership, technical breadth, time commitment, creativity, motivation, and international reputation. The successful candidate also will have excellent English-language writing and editing skills. The editor serves at the pleasure of the Publications Subcommittee for an initial, minimum term of two years, renewable for additional terms, up to twelve years. A yearly honorarium is offered by the Society.

The ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) has been in existence since 2012. It was created as an outgrowth of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES) to deal more exclusively in solid state topics. JES and JSS provide unparalleled opportunities to disseminate basic research and technology results in electrochemical and solid state science and technology. JSS publishes a minimum of 14 regular and focus issues each year. ECS journals offer author choice open access.

The JSS editor’s responsibility is to fulfill the Society’s mission regarding the maintenance and development of its publications. The Society is committed to disseminating research and to advancing electrochemical and solid state science and technology. Toward that purpose, the Society seeks to maximize both the quality and quantity of submissions to the journals, and maximize the value of the journals to both readers and authors. This call for applications is for individuals who can achieve these objectives. The JSS editor is required to make publishing and editorial decisions consistent with maintaining the integrity of these scholarly publications.


Posted in Publications

Attending the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA? ECS will have a number of high-value publications available for purchase at the registration desk during the meeting, including a special ECS proceedings volume that you could get signed by ECS President Johna Leddy!

Registration will be located in the sixth floor lobby of the Washington State Convention Center and will be open during the following hours:

Sunday | 0700-1900h
Monday | 0700-1900h
Tuesday | 0700-1730h
Wednesday | 0700-1600h
Thursday | 0700-1200h

Visit the customer service counters at registration to make a purchase.


In an effort to better recognize the innovative research gaining traction across the diverse span of ECS’s topical interest areas, the Society has instituted a new blog series, which will highlight the top five most-downloaded journal articles in each TIA during each quarter of the year.

The most-downloaded ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology articles by TIA during the first quarter of 2018 (January through March) are listed below.

Highlights are based on articles published since January 1, 2016.


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In an effort to better recognize the innovative research gaining traction across the diverse span of ECS’s topical interest areas, the Society has instituted a new blog series, which will highlight the top five most-downloaded journal articles in each TIA during each quarter of the year.

The most-downloaded Journal of The Electrochemical Society articles by TIA during the first quarter of 2018 (January through March) are listed below.

Highlights are based on articles published since January 1, 2016.


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2018 IEEE Award WinnerEach year, the ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division recognizes and rewards promising young engineers and scientists in fields pertaining to this division. The IEEE Division Student Achievement Award was established in 1989 and offers a framed certificate and a $1,000 prize. The nomination deadline is September 15 of each year.

This year’s winner, Yasser Ashraf Gandomi, is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville under the supervision of Dr. Matthew Mench. He also received his MS in mechanical engineering with a minor in computational sciences from UTK. He holds BS and MS degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Tabriz.

Ashraf Gandomi has worked on multiple projects funded by the Department of Energy and industry. His research has focused on the design, engineering, modeling, and prototyping of electrochemical conversion devices including redox flow batteries, polymer electrolyte fuel cells, and electrochemical sensors.
He is a member of four honor societies and is a contributing author for the International Association of Hydrogen Energy electronic newsletter and Assistant Subject Editor for its International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. His accomplishments have been recognized via several institutional awards at UTK with honors that include the Outstanding Graduate Student Award and Extraordinary Professional Promise Award. Ashraf Gandomi also won a best presentation award at the Fifth International Education Forum on Environmental and Energy Science in 2016. He is the recipient of a University of Tennessee Chancellor’s Graduate Fellowship and an IAHE Fellowship.

Spring 2018 division awards will be conferred at the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA from May 13-17, 2018. Join Yasser as he delivers his award talk called “Mitigating Ionic and Water Transport through Polymeric Membranes in All-Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries Via Design, Engineering, and Prototyping Novel Asymmetric Cell Topologies.”

Posted in Awards
1. Sold out exhibit floor!

Not only is the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle (May 13-17, 2018) the largest ECS spring meeting to date, the exhibit floor is sold out and will feature more industry leading companies than ever before including these first time exhibitors:

See who else is exhibiting in Seattle!

2. Career expo/career services

NOLA Exhibit BoothVisit the ECS Career Expo and have a free professional portrait taken, get your resume reviewed, learn more about ECSarXiv, the new free online service for preprints, and maybe discover a career opportunity with the Korea Institute of Science and Technology.

View the exhibitors that will be at the career expo.

3. Networking breaks with coffee!

We have added a second coffee break that will take place on the exhibit floor at 1530h on Tuesday and Wednesday! Enjoy a cup of coffee while networking with exhibitors.

4. New exhibit hours/Monday night poster session

The exhibit floor will now be open on Monday night, directly following the plenary session, along with an additional poster session.

5. Raffles every night!

Stop by the ECS booths on the exhibit floor (booth # 401 & 500) to enter our raffles or play ECS trivia to win prizes! ECS staff will also be available to answer questions regarding the meeting or our programs.

Raffle prizes:

  • half-page Interface ad
  • Monographs
  • free meeting registration for AiMES
  • free 5-year membership
  • APC
Posted in Meetings

Reinventing the Inductor

ECS member Kaustav Banerjee, and his team, recently discovered a materials-based approach to reinventing inductors.

A basic building block of modern technology, inductors are everywhere: cellphones, laptops, radios, televisions, cars. And surprisingly, they are essentially the same today as in 1831, when they were first created by English scientist Michael Faraday.

The particularly large size of inductors made according to Faraday’s design are a limiting factor in delivering the miniaturized devices that will help realize the potential of the Internet of Things, which promises to connect people to some 50 billion objects by 2020. That lofty goal is expected to have an estimated economic impact between $2.7 and $6.2 trillion annually by 2025.

According to Banerjee, this new approach yields a smaller, higher-performing alternative to the classic design.


New Deadline for Bard Award

Allen J. Bard AwardThe Allen J. Bard Award in Electrochemical Science is the most recently-established among the distinguished society-level awards in the ECS Honors and Awards program. If you are an electrochemist, then you know the award’s namesake as the “father of modern electrochemistry.” Many ECS members are a product his Center for Electrochemistry at the University of Texas at Austin.

You now have until June 1 to submit your nomination.

This is a prestigious award that honors innovation in the field. The award winner is recognized for exceptionally creative experimental or theoretical studies that have opened new directions in electroanalytical chemistry or electrocatalysis.

The next award will be conferred at the 235th ECS Meeting in Dallas, TX in May 2019 where the winner will be invited to present the corresponding award talk. In addition, s/he will receive:

  • distinctive medallion wall plaque
  • $7,500 prize
  • complimentary meeting registration
  • life membership
  • private awards dinner

Read more about the award and previous winners. Check out the handy application tips. And finally, APPLY NOW!

Posted in Announcements