Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 16, 2018
Submit today!

Matteo Bianchini

Topic Close-up #1

Symposium H02: High Purity and High Mobility Semiconductors 15

Symposium Focus: The 15th High Purity and High Mobility Semiconductor symposium, which is an extension of the previous High Purity Silicon symposium, provides a forum for discussion of the latest developments in the growth, characterization, device processing, and applications of high purity and high mobility semiconductor materials in either bulk or epitaxial form. The emphasis is on the control and prevention of impurity incorporation, characterization and detection of defects and impurity states in high purity and high mobility semiconductors for superior device performances. Device and circuit aspects related to the use of devices on high quality and advanced silicon wafers will also be addressed. Special attention will be given to alternative and high-mobility substrates and their material and device aspects.

Keynote Presentation: Dr. Carlos Mazure will deliver a keynote presentation on :Silicon-on-Insulator based applications and products”. Dr. Mazure is the Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer at SOITEC, France.

Three Questions with the CandidatesThe 2018 Society elections are upon us and ECS wants you to learn more about the candidates from the candidates. All voting members are eligible to participate via electronic proxy. You would have received an email with voting instructions January 15, 2018.

About ECS elections

The early months of each year are an exciting time here at ECS as officer elections take place via electronic proxy in the two-month period from January 15 to March 15, 2018. Elected officers constitute the organization’s executive committee and include the following positions: president, three vice presidents, secretary and treasurer. The nominating committee determines the candidates and you determine the winner.

Three Questions with the Candidates allows you a personal glimpse of each volunteer on the current ballot. There is a total of five candidates (one for president and two each for vice president and treasurer). Take a moment to read the full candidate biographies and election statements. And then enjoy their reflections on ECS and the marvel that is science.


By: Naga Srujana Goteti, Rochester Institute of Technology; Eric Hittinger, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Eric Williams, Rochester Institute of Technology

Renewable grideCarbon-free energy: Is the answer blowing in the wind? Perhaps, but the wind doesn’t always blow, nor does the sun always shine. The energy generated by wind and solar power is intermittent, meaning that the generated electricity goes up and down according to the weather.

But the output from the electricity grid must be controllable to match the second-by-second changing demand from consumers. So the intermittency of wind and solar power is an operational challenge for the electricity system.

Energy storage is a widely acknowledged solution to the problem of intermittent renewables. The idea is that storage charges up when the wind is blowing, or the sun is shining, then discharges later when the energy is needed. Storage for the grid can be a chemical battery like those we use in electronic devices, but it can also take the form of pumping water up a hill to a reservoir and generating electricity when letting it flow back down, or storing and discharging compressed air in an underground cavern.


By: Peter Hancock, University of Central Florida

Autonomous driverless carMuch of the push toward self-driving cars has been underwritten by the hope that they will save lives by getting involved in fewer crashes with fewer injuries and deaths than human-driven cars. But so far, most comparisons between human drivers and automated vehicles have been at best uneven, and at worst, unfair.

The statistics measuring how many crashes occur are hard to argue with: More than 90 percent of car crashes in the U.S. are thought to involve some form of driver error. Eliminating this error would, in two years, save as many people as the country lost in all of the Vietnam War.

But to me, as a human factors researcher, that’s not enough information to properly evaluate whether automation may actually be better than humans at not crashing. Their respective crash rates can only be determined by also knowing how many non-collisions happen. For human drivers is it one collision per billion chances to crash, or one in a trillion?

Assessing the rate at which things do not happen is extremely difficult. For example, estimating how many times you didn’t bump into someone in the hall today relates to how many people there were in the hallway and how long you were walking there. Also, people forget non-events very quickly, if we even notice them happening. To determine whether automated vehicles are safer than humans, researchers will need to establish a non-collision rate for both humans and these emerging driverless vehicles.


ElectronsWhile tracking electrons moving through exotic materials, researchers have discovered intriguing properties not found in conventional, silicon-based semiconductors.

Unlike current silicon-based electronics, which shed most of the energy they consume as waste heat, the future is all about low-power computing. Known as spintronics, this technology relies on a quantum physical property of electrons—up or down spin—to process and store information, rather than moving them around with electricity as conventional computing does.

On the quest to making spintronic devices a reality, scientists at the University of Arizona are studying an exotic crop of materials known as transition metal dichalcogenides, or TMDs. TMDs have exciting properties lending themselves to new ways of processing and storing information and could provide the basis of future transistors and photovoltaics—and potentially even offer an avenue toward quantum computing.


2018 Changes to ECS Transactions

ECS Transactions (ECST), the Society’s official meeting proceedings publication, will be undergoing some exciting changes over the course of 2018.

At the start of 2018, ECS debuted the newly redesigned cover of ECST. The refreshed design is streamlined and modern, prominently branded with the Society’s colors, green and blue. Adding to ECST’s improved look and feel, all hard copy (CD or USB) editions of ECST purchased from the upcoming 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA, will feature brand-new premium hardboard packaging.

Also beginning with the Seattle meeting, ECST will no longer be available in a CD/USB combo pack. Instead, those who are interested in purchasing a hard copy edition will be able to purchase either the CD or USB edition. ECST issues will continue to be made available for sale in PDF format through the ECS Online Store. This small change has been made in order to reduce waste, while ensuring that attendees will still be able to purchase ECST issues in their preferred format.


Charles HusseyCharles L. Hussey is Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Mississippi and professor of chemistry. He is a fellow of ECS and a recipient of the Society’s Max Bredig Award in Molten Salt and Ionic Liquid Chemistry. His scientific research with molten salts/ionic liquids has been directed at the electrochemistry and spectroscopy of d- and f-block elements, the electrodeposition of aluminum and corrosion-resistant aluminum-transition metal alloys, the electrodissolution of metals and alloys, and the electrochemical processing of spent nuclear fuel. Hussey was recently reappointed as technical editor of the Journal of The Electrochemical Society in the area of electrochemical/electroless deposition.

The Electrochemial Society: What has your experiences as a JES editor been like?

Charles Hussey: I was appointed as an associate editor in 2000 and continued in that role until 2011. As an associate editor, I handled manuscripts on all topics for JES and Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters. Handling a variety of topical manuscripts for JES and ESL was the job that needed to be done, and it was a very challenging and sometimes uncomfortable assignment, but also highly educational.


By: Joshua M. Pearce, Michigan Technological University

SolarFalling costs for solar power have led to an explosive growth in residential, commercial and utility-scale solar use over the past decade. The levelized cost of solar electricity using imported solar panels – that is, the solar electricity cost measured over the life of the panels – has dropped in cost so much that it is lower than electricity from competing sources like coal in most of America.

However, the Trump administration on Jan. 22 announced a 30 percent tariff on solar panel imports into the U.S. This decision is expected to slow both the deployment of large-scale solar farms in the United States and the rate of American solar job growth (which is 12 times faster than the rest of the economy). The tariff increases the cost of solar panels by about 10 to 15 cents per watt. That could reduce utility-scale solar installations, which have come in under $1 per watt, by about 11 percent.

The tariffs may lead China and other countries to appeal the move with the World Trade Organization. But could innovations in solar power compensate for tariffs on panels?

In my research, I have found that one solar technology – previously largely ignored because of low-cost photovoltaics, or PV, panels – could make a comeback: the humble mirror, or booster reflector, as it is known in the technical literature.


Focus IssuesSubmission Deadline: February 14, 2018

The ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) Focus Issue on Semiconductor-Based Sensors for Application to Vapors, Chemicals, Biological Species, and Medical Diagnosis is currently accepting manuscripts.

This JSS focus issue aims to cover various active or passive semiconductor devices for gas, chemical, bio and medical detection, with the focus on silicon, GaN, dichalcogenides/oxides, graphene, and other semiconductor materials for electronic or photonic devices. The scope of contributed articles includes materials preparation, growth, processing, devices, chemistry, physics, theory, and applications for the semiconductor sensors. Different methodologies, principles, designs, models, fabrication techniques, and characterization are all included. Integrated systems combine semiconductor sensors, electric circuit, microfluidic channels, display, and control unit for real applications such as disease diagnostic or environmental monitoring are also welcome.

Topics of interest include, but not limited, to the following:


Two new volumes of ECS Transactions (ECST) have just been published.

ECS Transactions 82-1, “Electrophoretic Deposition VI,” contains 15 papers based on research presented at the 6th International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications, which was held October 1-6, 2017, in Gyeongju, South Korea.

ECS Transactions 83-1, “Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition 2017,” contains 22 papers originally presented at the 2017 Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition (FCS&EE), held in Long Beach, California, November 7-9, 2017.

Both volumes are now available for purchase as an instant PDF download through the ECS Online Store (82-1 | 83-1). To browse the full table of contents, or purchase individual articles, please visit the ECS Digital Library.