Submission deadline: September 22, 2023

The 244th ECS Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden is our first European gathering in a decade! If you are interested in participating but missed the opportunity to submit your abstract, it’s not too late to join us.

Researchers can now submit a late poster presentation and attend the meeting.

The submission site for late presentations opens on July 17. Be sure to submit your abstract before it closes on September 22, 2023. (more…)

Posted in Meetings

The $30 million program called APTO—Assessing and Predicting Technology Outcomes—funds research to evaluate the effectiveness of R&D investments in technology and create models and information for decision-makers to optimize investments and advance long-term U.S. competitiveness.

Specific technology areas of interest are those outlined in the “CHIPS and Science Act” of 2022: energy; materials; artificial intelligence; high-performance computing or semiconductors; quantum information technology; bioengineering; robotics; technology for disaster prevention; communications technology; and data storage.

APTO awards of up to five years will support:


The ECS Energy Technology Division recognized Yirui Zhang of Stanford University as the winner of the 2023 Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award Sponsored by BioLogic at the 243rd ECS Meeting in Boston, MA. She presented her award talk, “Probing and Engineering Electrode-Electrolyte Interfaces in Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion” on May 30, 2023.

ECS Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award Sponsored by BioLogic

The Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award Sponsored by BioLogic was established in 2012 to recognize and reward promising young engineers and scientists in fields pertaining to this division. The award is intended to encourage recipients to initiate or continue careers in this field. The winner receives a framed award certificate, USD $1,000 prize, and complimentary meeting registration. The recipient presents a lecture in an ETD division-sponsored symposium at the Society meeting where the award is presented.


Register for discussion with Tu Le on July 12, 2023 

The ECS Detroit Section invites you to “The global EV market: Driving Force for Battery Technology for the Next Decade,” a discussion with global auto industry expert Tu Le.


There is high interest in Electric Vehicle (EV) technology in our community, but the local perspective should be enriched by global views to lead to good outcomes. 

Tu Le will discuss the EV market from major developments to less visible but very important details. To what extent will Chinese EVs be in the U.S. market in the future? What does it have to do with the latest Gigafactory announcements? What will original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have to do better in Asian markets? What batteries will have to be manufactured?

Student poster awards

Students are encouraged to present posters. Up to three posters will be presented at the event. The first three students contacting the section at about presenting their work receive USD $100 and one year of free access to ECS Detroit Section events.


The 243rd ECS Meeting with SOFC-XVIII marks another successful in-person meeting, with six days of reconnecting, networking, learning, and engaging with the ECS community.

Enjoy the special moments captured; view and download 243rd ECS Meeting with SOFC-XVIII photos available at the link below! Photos include professional headshots, award talk photos, networking event photos, and more!


Posted in Meetings

Presented by Prof. Daniel A. Scherson and Prof. Andrew A. Gewirth from August 7-11, 2023

Daniel A. Scherson

Daniel A. Scherson

Andrew A. Gewirth

Andrew A. Gewirth



Event info

Annual Workshop on Electrochemical Measurement
The Hybrid Edition: Theory and Hands-On Experiments

Principal lecturers

Daniel A. Scherson
Case Western Reserve University

Andrew A. Gewirth
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


A hot topic and emerging technology in the scientific community is the development of biosensors for organ-on-chip (OOC) devices. As research on OOCs continues expanding, so does the pressing need to integrate novel sensing approaches beyond spectroscopic, enzymatic, and voltametric platforms. There is a concurrent and growing need for scholarly content that supports advances in disease model development, drug screening, toxicology, pathogenesis studies, efficacy testing, and virology. Help The Electrochemical Society disseminate content in this area by making us your home for publishing gold open-access content on biosensors for OOCs. Reviews, perspectives, methods, and research articles on this topic are welcome. Submit today!



STEMThe Directorate for Stem Education of the National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced new award opportunities for FY 2023 and FY 2024 in two programs, Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) and Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT).T

According to the June 13, 2023, “Dear Colleague Letter” (DCL Document number nsf23118), these efforts are intended to build on or leverage strong industry-academic partnerships to strengthen the semiconductor manufacturing workforce by advancing and supporting the development of a skilled STEM workforce in advanced memory manufacturing and/or semiconductor manufacturing and design. The goal is to meet the critical need to expand domestic “semiconductor research and development, design, and manufacturing” and fill the talent shortage in the domestic semiconductor industry through inclusive and equitable STEM education opportunities.


The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) announced 34 semifinalists for the first-ever NSF Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines) competition, spanning nearly all key technology areas and societal and economic challenges highlighted in the CHIPS and Science Act. The list of NSF Engine semifinalists, map of the NSF Engines semifinalists, and additional details are on the NSF website. NSF released the list of NSF Engines program semifinalists to transparently encourage teaming among diverse organizations, innovation, and regional growth. (more…)

June 23 is the 105th year of International Women in Engineering Day. On that day, ECS honors the achievements, global impact, and advancements of women in the areas of science and engineering! Read ECS publications elevating the work of women in electrochemistry.

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) is firmly committed to encouraging and celebrating the contributions of women to the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, and ensuring that the Society voices a spirit of belonging and welcomeness to women in all spaces the Society serves. (more…)