Tech Highlights

Check out what’s trending in electrochemical and solid state science and technology! Read some of the most exciting and innovative papers that have been recently published in ECS’s journals.

The articles highlighted below are free! Follow the links to get the full-text version.

Towards Implantable Bio-Supercapacitors: Pseudocapacitance of Ruthenium Oxide Nanoparticles and Nanosheets in Acids, Buffered Solutions, and Bioelectrolyte
Since the early 1990s when ruthenium oxide-based electrode materials were found to have pseudocapacitive properties, they have been extensively investigated as promising supercapacitor electrodes. A best benchmark example is RuO2·nH2O in combination with H2SO4 as the electrolyte, being able to operate with high voltage window, high capacitance and long cycle life. Read the rest.

Influence of the Altered Surface Layer on the Corrosion of AA5083

Aluminum alloys are increasingly replacing heavier materials in transportation, military and other applications, oftentimes in environments demanding of exceptional corrosion performance. In this regard, AA5083 has served as one of the alloys of choice for marine applications. Read the rest.

Advances in 3D Printing of Functional Nanomaterials
The intense and widespread interest in additive manufacturing techniques, including 3D printing, has resulted in an approximately $5 billion industry today with projections for growth to $15-20 billion by 2018. The commercial availability of 3D printing equipment, and the development of flexible additive manufacturing platforms in R&D laboratories, has provided a foundation for researchers to perform fundamental research in the materials science and engineering of polymers, organic materials, ceramics, inks, pastes, and other materials. Read the rest.


Quantum Dots Make Infrared Light Visible

565db23d4c4abQuantum dots may be just the thing to take renewable energy technology to the next level.

A team from MIT has recently developed a double film coating that has the ability to transform infrared light into visible light.

While that may not outwardly seem like a huge gain for the energy technology sector, the development has the potential to vastly improve efforts in renewable. Essentially, this research could help increase the amount of light a solar cell could capture. By capturing and using protons below their normal bandgap and thus converting the typically unused infrared light into use visible light, researchers could see efficiency levels of solar panels rise.

The researchers went about this development by placing two films on top of a plate of glass. The bottom film was comprised by using a type of quantum dot, while the top layer was made up of an organic molecule.


ECS Celebrates Giving Tuesday

giving-tuesdayToday, families, businesses, and communities around the world are joining together to celebrate generosity and to give through Giving Tuesday. Created in 2012, Giving Tuesday is now celebrated in several countries around the world, including Germany, Canada, Guatemala, and the United Kingdom.

Please join us in celebrating Giving Tuesday with a gift to ECS.

Your generosity enables us to:

  • Support emerging scientists through fellowships, travel support, and student programs
  • Advance electrochemistry and solid state science through comprehensive international meetings and high-quality publications
  • Free the Science through complete open access to the ECS Digital Library, making all content from our journals freely available to all readers, while remaining free to publish for authors.

Please consider supporting ECS with your gift today.

ECS would like to thank all those who support our Society with their gifts of time, talent, and resources. Your generosity powers our robust technical meetings, provides critical support for emerging scientists, and promotes high-quality publication in our journals.

We would like to extend a special thank you to the individuals below for their donations in 2015.

Dr. Henri J.R. Maget Dr. Shinji Fujimoto Dr. Kenneth L. Menningen
The Jiang Family Dr. Fernando H. Garzon Dr. Shelley D. Minteer
Dr. James C. Acheson Dr. Richard D. Goodin Dr. Sudhan S. Misra
Dr. Radoslav Adzic Dr. Koji Hashimoto Dr. Herbert J. Moltzan
Dr. Rajaram Bhat Dr. Dennis W. Hess Dr. Takurou N. Murakami
Dr. Viola Ingrid Birss Prof. Lloyd H. Hihara Dr. Hironori Nakajima
Dr. William D. Brown Dr. W. Jean Horkans Dr. John S. Newman
Prof. Carlos R. Cabrera Dr. Henry G. Hughes Dr. Hoon-Jung OH
Mr. Roque J. Calvo Dr. Earl C. Johns Mr. John P. Olatta
Dr. Bryan Chin Dr. Martin W. Kendig Mr. Sennu Palanichamy
Dr. Emanuel I. Cooper Dr. Zlata Kovac Mr. Robert E. Palmer
Ms. Angela DeVito Dr. Bruce Arthur Kowert Dr. Thomas Popp
Dr. Howard D. Dewald Dr. Simeon J. Krumbein Dr. Cynthia A. Rice
Dr. Francesco Di Quarto Dr. Michael Krumpelt Dr. Robert F. Savinell
Dr. John F. Elter Mr. Jose Larcin Dr. Morton Schwartz
Dr. Ronald E. Enstrom Dr. Arthur J. Learn Dr. Irving Shain
Dr. Thomas Z. Fahidy Dr. Peter A. Lewis Dr. Steven Z. Shi
Dr. Fu-Ren F Fan Dr. Bor Yann Liaw Dr. Toshio Shibata
Dr. Larry R. Faulkner Prof. Clovis A. Linkous Dr. Alice C. Suroviec
Prof. Elena S Flitsiyan Florian B. Mansfeld Dr. Makoto Takahashi
Dr. Robert P. Frankenthal Dr. Robert A. Mantz Dr. E. Jennings Taylor
Dr. Hiroyuki Fujimori Dr. Frederick Leon Marsh Dr. Ken Tokunaga
Dr. Arthur Yelon Dr. Fariaty Wong Prof. Dr. Ryan Jeffrey White

Make a gift to ECS today!

Lock into 2015 Membership Rates

Private Presidential Reception 2If you have been considering joining ECS, now is the perfect time. The current membership rate is $95 plus $10 for division dues. These rates will increase to $115 and $15 as of January 2016, so don’t wait!

Here are just a few of the reasons why you should become an ECS member today:

  • 100 full-text downloads from the ECS Digital Library ($3,300 value)
  • Deep savings for ECS meeting registrations
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  • Free print subscription to Interface magazine

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Posted in Membership
Discussion during poster session. From left to right: Maximilian Bernt, Lukas Seidl, Thomas Mittermeier, Ludwig Asen, Benedikt Brandes (hidden).

Discussion during poster session. From left to right: Maximilian Bernt, Lukas Seidl, Thomas Mittermeier, Ludwig Asen, Benedikt Brandes (hidden).

Networking and knowledge exchange are at the heart of the newly established Munich student chapter.

“We wanted to establish an easy way to find people you could talk to when you encounter problems, want to vent your ideas about your experiments, or get some help,” says Thomas Mittermeier, chair of the student chapter and PhD student at Technische Universität München.

The student chapter, which pulls students from multiple universities across Munich, is working to assist in connecting themes and ideas happening in electrochemical research across the city. For Mittermeier and the rest of the students, it provides an avenue to transfer knowledge and bring more depth to research with ease.

“Since we’re from different individual research groups that all relate in some way to electrochemistry, the initial idea to start a student chapter was sparked from that,” Mittermeier says.

Establishing the Chapter

From ideas to research tools, the Munich student chapter is using an organized flow between universities and research groups to make research easier, producing better results. While the idea for this collaboration was sparked from the diversity and depth in research happening in Munich, the ideal platform was not always as apparent.

As a student member, Mittermeier regularly received ECS’s student newsletter. After seeing a list ranking universities by their number of student members, Mittermeier thought it was strange that his own university— Technische Universität München—was so high on the list but did not have a student chapter. With this, the ball started rolling for what would be the Munich student chapter.


Diamond Nanothreads to Build Space Elevator

18enfuwsagjl5jpgThe space elevator: a concept first conceptualized in the late 19th century that has been highly disputed and contested over the years. Many scientists and research institutions believe that the space elevator can be actualized in our lifetime. Up until 2014, Google X’s Rapid Evaluation R&D team was still working on bringing this concept to life. However, the project came to a halt due to the lack of advancement in the field of carbon nanotubes—the material that many deemed necessary to meet the strength requirements for the space elevator.

But work in the field of carbon nanotubes pressed on, and in 2014 diamond nanothreads were first synthesized. With strength properties similar to that of carbon nanotubes, researchers are once again interested in the development of the space elevator.

After testing from the Queensland University of Technology in Australia, researchers are putting a breath of fresh air into the space elevator with large scale diamond nanothreads, which may potentially be the world’s strongest substance.


Potential of the Graphene Microphone

From solar cells to fuel cells to body armor, graphene has more potential applications than one could briefly summarize. Now, this wonder material is entering into a new realm of possibility.

According to new research from the University of Belgrade in Serbia, graphene has amazing sound detection qualities. Because of this, the researchers have developed the world’s first graphene-based condenser microphone. At about 32 times the strength of some of today’s best microphones, the graphene-based device has the ability to detect a range of audible frequencies. Further, the researchers believe that with a little more tweaking, it will be able to pick up sound that is well beyond the range of human hearing.

This from Gizmodo:

The researchers used a chemical vapor deposition process to “grow” sheets of graphene on a nickel foil substrate. They then etched the nickel away and placed the remaining graphene sheet (about 60 layers thick) in a commercial microphone casing. There, it acts as a vibrating membrane, converting sound to electric current.


Advances in Sodium Batteries

With energy demands increasing every day, researchers are looking toward the next generation of energy storage technology. While society has depended on the lithium ion battery for these needs for some time, the rarity and expense of the materials needed to produce the battery is beginning to conflict with large-scale storage needs.

To combat this issue, a French team comprised of researchers primarily from CNRS and CEA is making gains in the field of electrochemical energy storage with their new development of an alternative technology for lithium ion batteries in specific sectors.

Beyond Lithium

Instead of the rare and expensive lithium, these researchers are focusing on the use of sodium ions—a more cost efficient and abundant materials. With efficiently levels comparable to that of lithium, many commercial sectors are showing an increasing interest for sodium’s potential in storing renewable energy.

While this development takes the use of sodium to a new level, the idea has been around since the 1980s. However, sodium never took off as the primary battery building material due to low energy densities and short life cycles. It was then that researchers chose to power electronics with lithium for higher efficiency levels.


Reducing Carbons, Producing Fuels

The effort to harvest atmospheric carbons and transform the greenhouse gases into renewable fuels has taken one step closer to practicality due to new research out of Monash University.

Through the novel combination of cheap materials to develop an energy efficient catalyst, the researchers believe they could electrochemically reduce carbon dioxide into syngas. This produced syngas would be comprised of a combination of carbon monoxide and hydrogen—the elements widely used as the starting point to produce sustainable fuels and materials.

“Our research found that a combination of cheap materials—Molybdenum Sulphide catalytic nano-particles with a conductive layer of graphene and a well-known polymer called polyethylenimine acted together to create this energy efficient catalyst. Each component in the catalyst played a specific role in the reaction and it was only when the three were combined that the energy efficiency of the process was realized,” said Jie Zhang, lead author of the study.


Rusnanoprize Awarded to ECS Members

id41860Two ECS members were recently awarded the 2015 RUSNANOPRIZE Nanotechnology International Prize for their work in developing nanostructured carbon materials, which have facilitated the commercialization and wide-use of supercapacitors in energy storage, automotive, and many other industries. The organization honored Yury Gogotsi and Patrice Simon for their exemplary research in this field.

The RUSNANOPRIZE Nanotechnology International Prize, established in 2009, is presented annually to those working on nanotechnology projects that have substantial economic or social potential. The prize is aimed to promote successful commercialization of novel technology and strengthening collaboration in the field of nanotechnology.

Yury Gogotsi is a professor at Drexel University and director of the Anthony J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute. Among his most notable accomplishments, Gogotsi was a member of a team that discovered a novel family of two-dimensional carbides and nitrides, which have helped open the door for exceptional energy storage devices. Additionally, Gogotsi’s hand in discovering and describing new forms of carbon and the development of a “green” supercapacitor built of environmentally friendly materials has advanced the field of energy technology.

Gogotsi is a Fellow of ECS and is currently the advisor of the Drexel ECS Student Chapter.

Patrice Simon is a professor at Paul Sabatier University. As a materials scientist and electrochemist, Simon has special interest in designing the next generation of batteries and supercapacitors. As the leader of the French Network on Electrochemical Energy Storage, Simon is making strides in developing next-gen technology through combining 17 labs and 15 companies in an effort to apply novel principals to issues in energy storage and technology. As an internationally recognized leader in the field of nanotechnology for energy storage, Simon’s work focuses on benefiting the entire energy storage industry.

Simon has been a member of ECS for 15 years.

ICYMI: Find other ECS researchers are doing in the world of nanocarbons.