Outstanding Student Chapter Award

The 2014 Outstanding Student Chapter Award Plaque with Prof. Arumugam Manthiram (front left) with UT-Austin Student Chapter President (Josephine Cunningham, front middle) and Vice-President (Donald Robinson, front right) and student members Matthew West, Daeil Yoon, Ke-Yu Lai, and Benjamin Weaver (back left to right).

The 2014 Outstanding Student Chapter Award Plaque with Prof. Arumugam Manthiram (front left) with UT-Austin Student Chapter President (Josephine Cunningham, front middle) and Vice-President (Donald Robinson, front right) and student members Matthew West, Daeil Yoon, Ke-Yu Lai, and Benjamin Weaver (back left to right).

Submission deadline is March 31st for the ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Award.

Up to three winners will be selected. One Outstanding Student Chapter will be selected with the winner receiving $1,000, and recognition with a plaque and chapter group photo in  Interface. One or two additional Student Chapters may be selected as runners-up, and designated as Chapters of Excellence. Find out more.

The 2014 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter Award recipient was The University of Texas at Austin. Founded in 2007, The University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter has provided an interdisciplinary forum for students from different branches of the physical sciences and engineering to meet and discuss emerging ideas about electrochemistry and solid state sciences.

Led by faculty advisor Arumugam Manthiram and Chapter President Josephine Cunningham, the UT Austin Student Chapter has worked on improving the lives of the students and community in the Austin, TX area through outreach programs and organized seminars.


Posted in Awards, Students

Member Spotlight – Jim Edgar

Edgar's new patented process will allow for the building of better semiconductors.Source: Kansas State University

Edgar’s new patented process will allow for the building of better semiconductors.
Source: Kansas State University

The Electrochemical Society’s Jim Edgar has developed a new process to build better semiconductors, which will vastly improve the efficiency of electronic devices and help propel the semiconductor industry.

Edgar, a Kansas State university distinguished professor of chemical engineering and an active member of ECS since 1981, has just received a patent for his “Off-axis silicon carbide substrates” process, which is a way to build a better semiconductor. This new process could mean big things for the electronics and semiconductor manufacturing industries.

“It’s like a stacked cake separated by layers of icing,” Edgar said. “When the layers of semiconductors don’t match up very well, it introduces defects. Any time there is a defect, it degrades the efficiency of the device.”


New Catalyst to Generate Renewable Fuels

Water splitting into hydrogen on a metal wire and oxygen on the catalyst.Source: Yale Entrepreneurial Institute

Water splitting into hydrogen on a metal wire and oxygen on the catalyst.
Source: Yale Entrepreneurial Institute

New research out of Yale University, led by Ph.D. student Staff Sheehan, recently unveiled a new catalyst to aid in the generation of renewable fuels.

Sheehan’s main area of research has been water splitting. In his recently published paper, he takes the theories and processes involved in water splitting and uses a specific iridium species as a water oxidation catalyst. This has led to new breakthroughs in artificial photosynthesis to develop renewable fuels.

“Artificial photosynthesis has been widely researched,” Sheehan says, “but water oxidation is the bottleneck—it’s usually the most difficult reaction to perform in generating fuel from sunlight.”


Predicting Structure Strength

Researchers from Rice University have developed a novel theory that combines strength, stiffness and toughness of composites into a single design map. The dimensionless computer-drawn maps can be applied to anything from nanoscale to buildings.

“That’s the beauty of this approach: It can scale to something very large or very small,” said Rouzbeh Shahsavari, an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering and of materials science and engineering.


Member Spotlight – Nate Lewis

The development could help lead to safe, efficient artificial photosynthetic systems that replicate the natural process of photosynthesis that plants use to convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into oxygen and fuel in the form of carbohydrates, or sugars.Source: Caltech

The development could help lead to safe, efficient artificial photosynthetic systems that replicate the natural process of photosynthesis that plants use to convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into oxygen and fuel in the form of carbohydrates, or sugars.
Source: Caltech

The Electrochemical Society’s Nate Lewis is leading some pioneering research at Caltech with the vision of efficient, affordable, and effective renewable energy sources.

Dr. Lewis, an active member of ECS since 1982, has designed a novel electrically conductive film – which has the potential to result in the development of devices that can harness sunlight to change water into hydrogen fuel.

(Take a look at his plenary lecture on sustainable energy technology he gave at a past ECS meeting.)

“We’ve discovered a material which is chemically compatible with the semiconductor it’s trying to protect, impermeable to water, electrically conductive, highly transparent to incoming light, and highly catalytic for the reaction to make oxygen and fuels,” said Dr. Lewis.

He and his team have developed a process that allows the solar-driven production of fuel to be performed with record efficiency, stability, and effectiveness.


The Year of Solar

Annual U.S. solar PV installations saw a 30 percent increase in 2014 alone.Source: GTM Research/SEIA

Annual U.S. solar PV installations saw a 30 percent increase in 2014 alone. (Click to enlarge.)
Source: GTM Research/SEIA

If you’re not excited about the promising potential of solar yet, you’re about to be.

According to a new report by GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), solar is growing faster than all other sources of energy in the United States.

In the report U.S. Solar Market Insight 2014 Year in Review, GTM and SEIA were able to establish that solar is continuing its upward trend in the U.S. with an increase of 30 percent more photovoltaic installations than in 2013.

Not convinced yet? The analysts also paired solar against also forms of energy in their report. When compared to other non-renewable energy sources such as coal and natural gas, it showed equally impressive results.


rod-borupRodney Borup of the Los Alamos National Laboratory will be awarded the 2015 Energy Technology Division Research Award for his pioneering work in energy conversion and storage, specifically related to sustainability and fuel cells.

The prestigious award was established in 1992 to encourage excellence in energy related research.

Dr. Borup is widely recognized for his work in fuel cell transportation with such corporate and academic organizations such as General Motors and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). He joined LANL in 1994 as a post-doctoral researcher, where he would eventually move on to become the Program Manager for the Fuel Cells and Vehicle Technologies Program and Team Leader for Fuel Cells Program —titles which he currently holds.


New Tire Harnesses Heat to Power Your Car

The tire can generate energy from friction and heat. However, Goodyear has yet to describe the materials to be used.Image: YouTube/Goodyear

The tire can generate energy from friction and heat. However, Goodyear has yet to describe the materials to be used.
Image: YouTube/Goodyear

There’s no question that engineers and manufacturers around the world are moving away from the fuel-based car to the electric vehicle. In order to make these cars possible, they must improve in efficiency. Now, one company is looking outside the box for the answer to electric car sustainability.

Goodyear has just announced the concept of their new tire, which will harvest heat in a variety of ways to help power electric vehicles. The new BH-03 tire is poised to be able to absorb heat while static due to the ultra-black texture of the tire, as well as take advantage of the natural occurrence of friction as the tire moves.


Using Silk in Next-Generation Batteries

The integration of silk into the lithium-ion battery allowed the battery to work for over 10,000 cycles with only a nine percent loss in stability.

The integration of silk into the lithium-ion battery allowed the battery to work for over 10,000 cycles with only a nine percent loss in stability.
Image: ACS Nano

The words “lithium-ion” and “battery” have become almost synonymous recently. While the li-ion battery is used in a multitude of applications, it still does not have a long life without a recharge.

Now, researchers have developed an environmentally friendly way to boost the performance of the li-ion battery by focusing on a material derived from silk.

In the li-ion battery, carbon is the key component for storage. In most situations, graphite takes that role – but it has limited energy capacity. In order to improve the performance of the li-ion battery, researchers looked to replace graphite with a material developed using a sustainable source.


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