Urine-Tricity to Improve Global Sanitation

Image: YouTube/

This affordable form of pee-power has the potential to light camps in disaster zones.
Image: YouTube/University of West England

Researchers, social scientists, and advocates are constantly examining the issue of the global lack of adequate sanitation in hopes to find an economic and sustainable solution. From Britain’s poo-powered bio-bus to the Gates Foundation’s effort to turn waste into drinking water – you can see the innovative answers popping up almost everywhere.

ECS has also joined the fight with our first Science for Solving Society’s Problems Challenge by awarding $210,000 of seed funding to innovative research projects addressing critical technology gaps in water and sanitation.

Now, researchers out of the University of West England are turning the focus from poop to pee with their new development in what they have termed urine-tricity.


ECS Arizona Section Meets


The Arizona Section welcomed members of the Valley of the Sun (Central Arizona) student chapter. ECS has a number of student chapters, which provide a venue to learn more about electrochemical and solid-state sciences.

The winter/spring meeting of the Arizona Section of ECS was held on January 26, 2015 at the University of Arizona. A total of twenty faculty and students from the University of Arizona and Arizona State University attended the meeting.

After a brief networking reception, Professor Srini Raghavan, Vice-Chair of the Arizona Section, introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Dr. Robert Savinell, Professor of Chemical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University. Following a brief description of the activities of ECS, Dr. Savinell gave a very informative talk: Iron-Based Flow Batteries for Grid-Scale Energy Storage.

Find out more about the Arizona Section.

ATHENA burned through the truck engine in a matter of seconds from more than a mile away.Image: Lockheed Martin

ATHENA burned through the truck engine in a matter of seconds from more than a mile away.
Image: Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin has been making headlines recently in light of their development of novel compact fusion reactors. Now, the company is back in the spotlight due to their new high-powered laser.

They’re calling the laser ATHENA (Advanced Test High Energy Asset). In a recent test, the direct energy weapson was able to burn through a truck’s engine from a mile away in less than one minute.

“Fiber-optic lasers are revolutionizing directed energy systems,” said Keoki Jackson, Lockheed Martin chief technology officer. “We are investing in every component of the system – from the optics and beam control to the laser itself – to drive size, weight and power efficiencies. This test represents the next step to providing lightweight and rugged laser weapon systems for military aircraft, helicopters, ships and trucks.”


New Breakthrough Could Power Life on Mars

A new breakthrough in energy harvesting could potentially power life on other habitable planets.

The new development out of Northumbria University incorporates an innovative technique to harvest energy from carbon dioxide.



Plant Power Meets Solar Power

By combining green wall technology and solar panels, researchers have been able to generate renewable energy during both night and day.Image: University of Cambridge

By combining green wall technology and solar panels, researchers have been able to generate renewable energy during both night and day.
Image: University of Cambridge

Researchers from Cambridge University have developed what is being considered “the greenest bus shelter” by combining solar power and plant power.

The scope of this project is much more vast than simply powering a bus shelter. Researchers are looking at this development as a possible answer to affordable power generation solutions for developing countries.

“To address the world’s energy needs, we need a portfolio of many different technologies, and it’s even better if these technologies work in synergy,” said Dr. Paolo Bombelli of Cambridge University’s Department of Biochemistry.

The bus shelter has the potential to power itself during both night and day times by harvesting the natural electron by-product of photosynthesis and metabolic activity, thus creating electrical current.


Scientific Journal Marks 350

The original cataloging system of the Transactions, with articles bundled into issues and then into volumes, also remains the norm for many journals.Image: American Institute of Physics

The original cataloging system of the Transactions, with articles bundled into issues and then into volumes, also remains the norm for many journals.
Image: American Institute of Physics

Today the scientific community is celebrating the 350th anniversary of the founding of the scientific journal.

The path to the widespread dissemination of scientific research began with Henry Oldenburg – the first secretary of the Royal Society. The publication of the pioneering journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society consisted of a collection of articles submitted by members of the Royal Society – mainly made up of physicians or “natural philosophers”, who would eventually become know as scientists.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society had many similarities to the modern day scientific journal, including the basic layout and peer-reviewed certification of articles. The journal also focused on the importance of wide dissemination by distributing to those outside its circle.

This flagship journal even marks the beginning of the journal subscription model.

While Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society paved the way scientific journals would be published and distributed for many years, we’ve seen many changes in light of the digital boom.


First U.S. Offshore Wind Farm

Offshore wind farms in the United States have been met with a lot of resistance. While countries such as Europe have roughly 2,488 off shore wind turbines up and running, America has none.

Cape Wind – an initiative in offshore wind farms out of Massachusetts – has been attempting to establish their 130-turbine project for quite some time now, but have not been able to cut through the red tape.

While the outlook for the Cape Wind project appears to be grim, another initiative is rising in the ranks and is determined to get the United States on the offshore wind farm scoreboard.


ECS’s Energy Technology Division has presented three distinguished student awards to be accepted at the 227th ECS Meeting this May in Chicago, IL.

The Energy Technology Division Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award will be presented to William Mustain of the University of Connecticut.

mustain-photoWilliam Mustain earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology in 2006, followed by two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow in ECS President Paul Kohl’s research group at Georgia Tech. He went on to join the Department of Chemical & Bimolecular Engineering gat the University of Connecticut in 2008.

Over the past twelve years, Prof. Mustain has worked in several areas related to electrochemical energy generation and storage, including: catalysts and supports for proton exchange membrane and anion exchange membrane fuel cells and electrolyzers, high capacity materials for Li-ion batteries, the purposeful use of carbonates in low temperature electrochemical systems, and the electrochemical conversion and utilizations of methane and CO2.

Take a peak at his award address, “Near Room Temperature Conversion of Methane to Methanol.”

The Energy Technology Division Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award was established in 2011 to recognize and reward an outstanding young researcher in the field of energy technology.


The Nano Electromechanical “Squitch”

A MIT graduate student is changing the landscape of electromechanical switches.

Farnaz Niroui, an electrical engineering graduate student at MIT, has developed a squeezable nano electrochemical switch with quantum tunneling functions. Her development combats the longstanding problem of the switch locking in an “on” position due to metal-to-metal contacts sticking together.

The challenge of this permanent adhesion is called stiction, which often results in device failure. Niroui looks to solve this issue by creating electrodes with nanometer-thin separators.

She has effectively turned stiction from a problem into a solution.


Funding Opportunity: Li Batteries

ATL-Logo_144_144_sNingde Amperex Technology Ltd. (ATL, China) is announcing a funding opportunity for researchers actively engaged in rechargeable lithium battery technologies. They are offering $100,000-$500,000 to selected projects addressing current problems associated with lithium metal anodes and proposing viable solutions for the commercialization of long-life, high-performance lithium metal secondary batteries for high energy density applications.

The steep demand for improved rechargeable batteries for use in consumer electronics and electric vehicles is driving the search for new battery electrode materials that will achieve higher energy densities. This funding opportunity seeks to develop scalable technologies for improving the performance of lithium metal anodes.

Please submit technical proposals along with a budget justification, confidentiality disclaimer and a cover page identifying the principle investigator, contact information, affiliations, project duration, total funding requested and submission date to Dr. KaiFu Zhong.

The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2015.
