Mariko KadowakiThe ECS Corrosion Division recognized its 2022 Morris Cohen Student Award winner at the 242nd ECS Meeting in Atlanta, GA. The recipient, Dr. Mariko Kadowaki of the National Institute for Materials Science presented her award talk, “Microscopic Electrochemical Properties of Carbon Steels and Metallurgical Approach for High Corrosion Resistance,” on October 11, 2022.


Topic Close-up #3

Symposium D01—Plasma Electrochemistry and Catalysis 2

Extended deadline for submitting abstracts:
December 16, 2022


Submit today!


The Electrochemical Society continues welcoming new student chapters into our supportive, global community. On October 13, 2022, the Board of Directors approved the chartering of six new student chapters; the Society now has 123 student chapters around the world.

New chapters

Join us in welcoming these institutions into our ECS Student Chapter program:


Topic Close-up #2

Symposium B07—Light Energy Conversion with Metal Halide Perovskites, Semiconductor and Organic Nanostructures, Inorganic/Organic hybrid Materials, and Dynamic Exciton

Extended deadline for submitting abstracts:
December 16, 2022


Submit today!


Access is free and open to all from October 24-30

The paywall to the ECS Digital Library on IOPscience is down while ECS participates in its seventh International Open Access Week. Over 171,000 journal and magazine articles and meeting abstracts are free and accessible to everyone through October 30.


Topic Close-up #1

Symposium A04Battery Student Slam 7

Extended deadline for submitting abstracts:
December 16, 2022


Submit today! (more…)

The ECS Career Center helps ensure your recruitment advertising efforts attract the hard-to-reach candidates you seek. Here’s how:

  • Posting jobs on a niche site like the ECS Career Center exposes them to highly qualified niche professionals instead of the unqualified masses.
  • Upgrading job listings ensures that they appear high on search results, driving significantly more views, clicks, and applications.
  • Supplementing job postings with banner ads builds your brand as a desirable employer and attracts the best candidates.


Congratulations to Seiji Ichikawa, Daichi Yasufuku, Ryosuke Nishiizumi, and Weijie Cao

Dr. Lyons congratulates Seiji Ichikawa, 1st place winner.

The Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22 (PEFC&E 22) symposium at the 242nd ECS Meeting hosted its annual student poster competition on October 10, 2022. Some 30 students submitted posters to the competition. Dr. James (Jim) Fenton led the group of senior fuel cell and electrolysis researchers, which judged the posters for technical content and visual presentation.

ECS and PEFC&E 22 thank the Office of Naval Research, the competition’s funder. A total of USD $3,000 was awarded for four prizes. Join Dr. Karen Swider Lyons, PEFC&E 22 symposium chair, in congratulating the winners!


(Left to right) Ashley Amalia David and Emmanuel Peprah-Yamoah

(Left to right) Ashley Amalia David and Emmanuel Peprah-Yamoah. Photo credit: Robb Cohen Photography & Video.

Congratulations to Emmanuel Peprah-Yamoah and Ashley Amalia David, winners of the 242nd ECS Meeting Z01 General Student Poster Session Awards. Judges reviewed the 112 posters students submitted in person and digitally. Please take a moment to celebrate all the participants’ excellent work, and of course, Ashley and Emmanuel.


The Journal of The Electrochemical Society is publishing a virtual focus issue in connection with IMLB 2022, hosted in Sydney Australia. This issue is only open to participants of IMLB 2022 who presented therein (invited talks and posters). Review, critical review, perspective, methods, communication, and original research articles are welcomed.

IMLB 2022 is the premier international conference on the state of lithium battery science and technology, as well as current and future related battery systems for application in transportation, industry, grid storage, aviation, aerospace, biomedical, and other promising sectors.

Manuscripts submitted to this issue undergo the normal rigorous review process used for JES, with papers expected to meet the customary high scientific and technical standards for which this journal is known.