Prof. Dr. Bruno G. Pollet
Canada Research Chair and Innergex Chair in Green Hydrogen Production
Director, Institute for Hydrogen Research (IHR)
Director, Green Hydrogen Lab (GH2Lab)
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)

Date: October 26, 2022
Time: 1300–1400h ET
Sponsors: Gamry Instruments, Biologic, Hiden Analytical



ECS is excited to share that starting on January 1, 2023, all researchers affiliated with the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), one of the largest universities in Mexico and Latin America, will be able to read ECS content and publish open access in ECS journals at no direct cost to the author. ECS’s publishing partner, IOP Publishing (IOPP), has reached an unlimited transformative agreement with UNAM, which furthers the mission of open science and removes financial barriers that many authors face in their desire to publish their work open access.


Dr. Wesley Dose’s Webinar Q&A

Wesley DoseThe Electrochemical Society hosted Dr. Wesley Dose’s live webinar, “Challenges Facing Li-ion Battery Electrolytes and High-energy Cathodes,” on September 21, 2022. Dr. Dose took audience questions during a live Question and Answer session at the end of the presentation. He kindly answered, in writing, questions not answered during the broadcast. Find these responses below.

View Dr. Dose’s Webinar

NOTE: Registration is required to view the webinar.



More Open Access from ECS

Paywall comes down from October 24-30

ECS participates in its seventh International Open Access Week from October 24-30, bringing down the paywall to over 171,000 journal and magazine articles and meeting abstracts. The ECS Digital Library on IOPscience is free and accessible to everyone that week. SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, organizes the annual global event to focus attention and inspire momentum toward the open sharing of knowledge.


ETDThe ECS Energy Technology Division recognized the 2022 Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award Sponsored by BioLogic recipients at the 241st ECS Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Grace Lindquist of the University of Oregon was acknowledged for outstanding research in the development of robust high-performance alkaline membrane electrolyzer technology; and Zachary Schiffer of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for developing methods for harnessing renewable ammonia and for understanding energy exchanges in electrochemical transformations.


Lithium-Ion Batteries and their Impact on Our Lives

Special issue focuses on lithium-ion batteries and their impact on our lives

The ECS Interface fall 2022 issue is now available to read online. The issue is guest edited by Gary M. Koenig Jr. and Nian Liu.

As always, Interface Editor Rob Kelly invites you to enjoy the issue’s special features and news.


The Journal of The Electrochemical Society is publishing a focus issue in connection with the Frontiers of Chemical/Molecular Engineering in Electrochemical Energy Technologies 2 symposium being held in honor of Professor Robert Savinell’s 70th Birthday at the 242nd ECS Meeting. 

The focus issue deals and the connected symposium address current and emerging ideas in electrocatalysis, electrolytes, and device design for fuel cells and flow batteries. Topics include molecular-level understanding of small-molecule electrocatalysis (including hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon- and nitrogen-containing molecules such as alcohols, ammonia, urea, carbon dioxide, and others); membranes and electrolytes including additives, nanoparticles, and deep eutectic chemistries; redox-active molecules; and new concepts in fuel cells and flow batteries. Contributions from both theory and experiment are welcome. Studies that connect molecular-level understanding to macroscopic electrochemical technologies are of particular interest. (more…)

September 29, 2022, from 1300-1400h PST

The ECS San Francisco Section invites you to the 2022 Cubicciotti Student Award Ceremony with presentations by award recipient, Dr. Julie Fornaciari, University of California, Berkeley, and Honorable Mention recipients, Mr. Matthew Liu, Stanford University, and Ms. Rachel Huang, Stanford University.

Date: Thursday, September 29, 2022
Time: 1300-1400h PST 
Price: Free; the webinar is open to public.
Format: Virtual via Zoom
1300h PST               Introduction
1310-1325h PST     “Designing Polymer Interfaces for Lithium Metal Anode,” Rachel Huang, Honorable Mention
1325-1340h PST     “Relating near-surface Ti electrode structure with electrochemical nitrate reduction performance via synchrotron X-ray characterization,” Matthew Liu, Honorable Mention
1340-1355h            “Multiscale Transport in Electrolytic Devices,” Dr. Julie Fornaciari, 2022 Cubicciotti Student Award Recipient


Gerald FrankelThe Journal of The Electrochemical Society is publishing a focus issue in connection with the 242nd ECS Meeting symposium, Critical Factors in Localized Corrosion 10: In Honor of Gerald Frankel.

The focus issue deals with all aspects of localized corrosion with the purpose of summarizing recent advances in fundamental and applied aspects of passivity breakdown, techniques to study initiation and propagation of localized corrosion, the effect of microstructure, advanced materials, as well as mitigation methods for localized corrosion. Papers presenting experimental and theoretical approaches to understanding localized corrosion are welcome. The issue is open to all interested authors who may submit review, critical review, perspective, methods, communication, and original research articles.

Accepting Submissions: October 6, 2022 | Submission Deadline: January 4, 2023


ECS San Francisco Section Distinguished Seminar Series

Register for the September 22 event!

“Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) of lithium ion batteries: Role of additives and crossover reactions on stability and performance”

Brett Lucht
Professor of Chemistry
University of Rhode Island 

Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Time: 1000-1100h PST 
Price: Free; the webinar is open to public.
Format: Virtual via Zoom
Sponsor: Toyota Research Institute of North America

Register now
