You are invited to nominate qualified candidate(s) for the ECS Electronics and Photonics Division Award.
The award was established in 1969 to encourage excellence in electronics research and outstanding technical contributions to the field of electronics science. The award recognizes authors who have made noteworthy scientific contributions and enhanced the scientific stature of the Society by the presentation of well-received papers in ECS journals and at Society meetings.
The 2023 award recipient is recognized at the 243rd ECS Meeting in Boston, MA, in May 2023, and presents their award talk there. Explore the full award details on the ECS website prior to completing the electronic application.
The award consists of a scroll; US $1,500 prize; and either ECS lifetime membership or up to US $1,000 for non-reimbursed travel expenses to the conference. Award winners join a long list of distinguished recipients including the most recent, Eddy Simoen.