2021 Annual ReportECS announces the release of Persevering and Progressing: the 2021 Annual Report of The Electrochemical Society.

“From finding ways to convene and connect our community despite remote operations, to launching new initiatives vital to our future success, minimizing the financial losses caused by COVID’s impact on meetings, and significantly increasing the Society’s net assets, this annual report documents in detail what a truly remarkable year 2021 was for ECS in many critical ways,” said Eric Wachsman, ECS President, 2021-2022 term.

Spotlight on 2021

Welcome to the successes and challenges of 2021! ECS confronted the challenges of the second year of the global COVID-19 pandemic and continued to move science forward by: (more…)

Dr. Eddy Simoen

2022 EPD Award winner, Dr. Eddy Simoen (IMEC and Ghent University, Belgium)

You are invited to nominate qualified candidate(s) for the ECS Electronics and Photonics Division Award.

The award was established in 1969 to encourage excellence in electronics research and outstanding technical contributions to the field of electronics science. The award recognizes authors who have made noteworthy scientific contributions and enhanced the scientific stature of the Society by the presentation of well-received papers in ECS journals and at Society meetings.

The 2023 award recipient is recognized at the 243rd ECS Meeting in Boston, MA, in May 2023, and presents their award talk there. Explore the full award details on the ECS website prior to completing the electronic application.

The award consists of a scroll; US $1,500 prize; and either ECS lifetime membership or up to US $1,000 for non-reimbursed travel expenses to the conference. Award winners join a long list of distinguished recipients including the most recent, Eddy Simoen.


Posted in Awards

The ECS Detroit Section held its 2022 Officer Election from May 13-June 3, 2022. Thank you to all ECS members who supported their regional community by voting, and to the new officers for serving their section.

The new officers’ terms of office are for two years or until their successors have been qualified. Their terms begin at 0800h ET on January 1 of the calendar year following the election.

Please join us in congratulating our new ECS officers and wishing them well in their new endeavor! (more…)

The ECS National Capital Section Officer Election took place from April 22–May 13, 2022. Thank you to the ECS Members who voted, and to the new officers for serving their section.

The results are in!

We are happy to announce the new ECS National Capital Section Officers: (more…)

The ECS Twin Cities Section held its 2022 Officer Election in March. Thank you to everyone who voted in the election; and thank you to the new officers for serving their section.

Announcing the new ECS Twin Cities Section officers
  • Chair: Victoria Gelling, Sherwin-Williams
  • Vice Chair: Vincent Chevrier, Partner, Cyclikal; CTO, Trion
  • Secretary: Peter Zhang, Medtronic
  • Treasurer: Hui Ye, Medtronic
  • Members-at-Large:
    • Bill Howard, ECS Emeritus Member
    • Lifeng Dong, Hamline University
    • Alan Shi, Medtronic
    • Delenn Fingerlow, Sherwin-Williams


The Electrochemical Society continues to welcome new student chapters into our supportive, global community. On June 2, 2022, the Board of Directors approved the chartering of four new student chapters; the Society now has 117 student chapters around the world.

New chapters

Join us in welcoming these institutions into our ECS Student Chapter program:

Lambton College, Canada

Northeastern Thailand Student Chapter, Thailand

RV College of Engineering, India

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S. (more…)

ECS University of Waterloo Student Chapter is 2022 Chapter of Excellence

The Society established the Outstanding Student Chapter Award in 2012 to recognize distinguished ECS Student Chapters that demonstrate active participation in the Society’s technical activities; establish community and outreach activities in the areas of electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education; and create and maintain a robust membership base.

2022 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter

The ECS Purdue University Student Chapter, founded in May 2019, won the 2022 Outstanding Student Chapter for its dedication and commitment to the advancement of electrochemical and solid state science and engineering education. (more…)

ECS Authors Speak Out

ECS takes pride in our authors’ publications experience, especially when that experience is excellent. Read below what our authors have to say about their experience with ECS and our partner, IOP Publishing (IOPP). Learn more about how to publish with ECS.

Have a great ECS publications experience you’d like to share with the community? Tell us about your positive ECS Publications experience. Submit your testimonial today! (more…)

Posted in Publications

This post serves as notice that the Executive Committee and Members at Large of the ECS Nanocarbons Division have proposed amendments to their division bylaws. Per the ECS Nanocarbons Division’s existing bylaws, amendments must be passed by favorable vote of two-thirds of those replying within two (2) months to a ballot sent to all members of the ECS Nanocarbons Division. If approved by the division, the proposed changes advance to the ECS Board of Directors for final approval.

The ballot will be sent via email to ECS Nanocarbons Division members on Thursday, June 23, 2022. (more…)

Call for Papers

The ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology is publishing a collection of papers on Complex Multi-Metal Carbides.

Transition metal carbides are experiencing a resurgence in recent years due to their interesting properties and applications including catalysis, energy storage, and mechanical properties. However, moving beyond simple single-metal carbides can be quite challenging synthetically. Over the last 10 years, complex multi-metal carbides have seen a significant increase in research funding and publications. These complex metal carbides have a range of compositions, crystal structures, and phases, including solid solutions, true ternary compounds, MAX phases and related MXenes, and high entropy alloys. Most publications focus on the properties of these materials, leaving the synthesis details to the experimental section—and less explained and understood. This focus issue helps researchers understand the complexities involved in synthesizing these materials and how the properties can be tuned through synthetic manipulation. (more…)