Dustin McLarty
Assistant Professor
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Washington State University (WSU)

Date: June 28, 2022
Time: 1000–1100h PT
There is no cost to register for this event. Registration is required.
Registration: Participants must preregister through ECS My Account. Don’t have one? It’s easy to createvisit Create an Account now.

The webinar is open to the public; ECS membership is not required.

This webinar discusses tradeoffs in high-pressure steam electrolysis, and describes testing novel materials and manufacturing for solid oxide electrolyzers. (more…)

Submissions and editorial efforts impacted

ScholarOne Manuscripts, the ECS Manuscript Submission and Management System, undergoes scheduled maintenance and is unavailable on Tuesday, June 7, from 1800-0800h EDT. Please see the time zones listed below to determine when your time zone is impacted.

* Submissions and editorial are affected during this time. *

ScholarOne Manuscripts Maintenance Period (more…)

(From left to right) Alexander McLeod, University of British Columbia, and Lena Viviane Buehre, Leibniz Universität Hannover, shared 2nd Prize; and 1st Prize winner Raunaq Bagchi, University of Toronto.

Students submitted nearly 100 posters to the 241st ECS Meeting Z01 General Student Poster Session. Judges reviewed the digital presentations and chose the following for awards. Congratulations to the winners! Please take a moment to celebrate the authors’ excellent work.

Z01 – General Student Poster Session awards

1st Prize – $1,500 Cash

Raunaq Bagchi, University of Toronto
Z01-2279 – “Effect of Surface Chemistry and Morphology on Polyluminol-Carbon Redox Active Composites

Participate in a free interactive webinar on “How to Boost Citations – Tips for Researchers,” a collaboration between The Electrochemical Society and Enago.

Date: June 30, 2022
Time: 1000-1100h ET
Despina Sanoudou, PhD
Publication and Training Consultant
Enago Academy
Shannon C. Reed, MBA
Director of Community Engagement
The Electrochemical Society (more…)

Reza Javaherdashti, PhD
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering
Chief Executive Officer, MICORR

Date: June 15, 2022
Time: 1000h ET
Sponsor: Hiden Analytical (more…)

Mitchell KaiserThe winner of the first ECS Pacific Northwest Section Electrochemistry Student Award has been named: Mitchell Kaiser of the University of Washington. Join us in congratulating him! Kaiser will receive the award at this summer’s ECS Pacific Northwest Section meeting.

The section established the award in 2021 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists pursuing PhDs in electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry, and to encourage recipients to continue careers in these fields. The winner receives a US $1,000 prize. Visit the award page for the full award description. (more…)

The Electrochemical Society Career Center provides options to attract diverse candidates and veterans and maximize distribution to job aggregator websites and social media. These upgrades increase your ad’s exposure and get you more candidates faster!


Take a smart step: view the Digital Exhibitor & Vendor Guide (DEVguide)!


241st ECS Meeting, May 31 @ 1200h

This year’s Annual Society Business Meeting and Luncheon (ASBM) takes place at 1200h PDT, Tuesday, May 31, onsite at the 241st ECS Meeting in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Canada. Check the online program for the room location.

Attend the ASBM—happening in person for the first time since 2019—to enjoy a plated lunch with your ECS friends and colleagues. Hear the Society’s senior leaders review 2021 successes and challenges, and plans for the coming year! (more…)

Posted in Meetings

Presented by Prof. Daniel A. Scherson and Prof. Henry S. White from August 15-19, 2022

Daniel A. Scherson

Daniel A. Scherson

Henry White

Henry S. White

Event info

Annual Workshop on Electrochemical Measurement
The Hybrid Edition: Theory and Hands-On Experiments

Principal lecturers

Daniel A. Scherson
Case Western Reserve University

Henry S. White
University of Utah
