Topic Close-up #16
Symposium: G02—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 18
Deadline for Submitting Abstracts:
April 22, 2022
Submit today! (more…)
Symposium: G02—Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching Applications 18
Submit today! (more…)
Mark J. Willey
Battery Materials and Systems
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
University of Washington, Seattle
Date: May 3, 2022
Time: 1000–1100h PT
Price: There is no cost to register for this event, but registration is required.
Registration: You must preregister through ECS My Account. Don’t have one? It’s easy to create—visit Create an Account now.
The webinar is open to the public; ECS membership is not required. (more…)
The Electrochemical Society is proud to announce the inaugural issue of ECS Sensors Plus, the home for all content related to sensors technology. The new journal leads and promotes scholarly communication and interaction among scientists, engineers, and technologists whose primary interests focus on materials, structures, properties, performance, and characterization of sensing and detection devices, methods, and systems, including sensor arrays and networks.
Preparing a sensors manuscript? Make ECS Sensors Plus your publication of choice. Submit your article today to be included in the next issue. ECS Sensors Plus is free to publish and free to read. Article processing charges (APCs) are waived for 2022.
Apply today to serve as a Student Ambassador at the 241st ECS Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada, from May 29-June 2, 2022. Students who volunteer as ambassadors work closely with ECS staff and meet many fellow ECS members and meeting attendees.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to network and engage with meeting attendees, symposium organizers, and ECS staff! Multilingual speakers are highly encouraged to apply! (more…)
The ECS Montréal Student Chapter is delighted to invite you to the 11th Annual ECS Montreal Student Chapter Symposium. This yearly event attracts over 100 students, professors, researchers, and industry scientists to explore topics related to electrochemical and solid state science research. (more…)
The grant writing and review process can be daunting and difficult for young investigators to navigate. Learn tips and best practices from experts on how to successfully craft a scientific proposal for federal grants, industry partnerships, and non-profit support. A live question and answer session with the audience follows short presentations by each panelist.
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Time: 1400h ET
Cost: Free and open to the public
Format: Zoom (more…)
ECS is proud to sponsor, with the National Science Foundation, the 7th Annual Next Generation Electrochemistry meeting, taking place in person from June 6-10, 2022, at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Some events will be digital, as well. Program information is available here. (more…)
Symposium: G03—SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 10
Submit today! (more…)
The ECS Interface spring 2022 issue is now available to read online. The issue on diversity in science is guest edited by Dr. Alice Suroviec, Dean of the School of Mathematics and Natural Science at Berry College
As always, Interface Editor Rob Kelly invites you to enjoy the issue’s special features and news.
Addressing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Across Disciplines
by Alice H. Suroviec
Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in Our Professions: A Thin and Leaky Pipeline
by Christina Bock (more…)
Reports to: Director of Publications
Classification: Full-Time Exempt
Responsible for the timely and accurate support of the publication operations peer review and productions processing by performing duties related to manuscript submissions, acceptance, online publication, quality check and through to final publication.