The Journal of The Electrochemical Society is publishing a focus issue in connection with the 241st ECS Meeting Nucleation and Growth symposium.

This focus issue aims to capture the latest findings and insights related to phase transformation in electrochemical systems. Contributions for this cross-disciplinary pursuit are sought from researchers with diverse expertise and backgrounds reporting on the latest experimental and computational approaches to understanding nucleation and growth phenomena during electrodeposition and dissolution.

Modern imaging, scattering, and spectroscopy tools along with related methods are enhancing our understanding of phase transformations across a wide range of length scales. In the case of electrodeposition, nucleation and growth play a central role in applications ranging from microelectronics and MEMS to energy conversion and storage systems. This focus issue brings together researchers with diverse expertise and backgrounds to share new experimental and computational approaches to enable progress in the mechanistic understanding of nucleation and growth phenomena. Interest is focused on resolving and explaining the morphological, structural, and compositional evolution of electrode surfaces during electrodeposition. Understanding shape selection, stability criteria, and exploring engineering strategies aimed at specific technological ends are also of interest. (more…)

Topic Close-up #1

Symposium D06: Quantum Dot Science and Technology 2

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts:
April 22, 2022


Submit today! (more…)

Ion Storage Systems (ION), the battery technology company founded by ECS President Eric Wachsman, announced the initial closing of its $30 million Series A financing round. Clear Creek Investments, VoLO Earth Ventures, and Alsop Louie Partners led the investment. With the funding, ION will commission and qualify a battery cell manufacturing line capable of producing 10MWh/yr of safe, energy dense and versatile solid state batteries.

Ion Storage Systems

ION started in Dr. Wachsman’s University of Maryland chemistry lab with a $574,275 federal grant. The company’s high-energy dense, nonflammable solid state lithium metal batteries are safer, lighter, pack tighter density, tolerate greater abuse, and have reduced volume and weight. The new financing enables the company to launch a factory near Washington, D.C., and begin commercial production of the batteries. Aerospace and defense customers will receive the first commercial cells followed by development projects with multiple electric vehicle manufacturers, defense contractors, and consumer electronics companies. (more…)

Save the date: Sunday, April 3 – Sunday, April 10

When the ECS Digital Library on IOPscience paywall comes down on April 3, it’s your opportunity to access over 165,000 scientific journal and magazine articles and meeting abstracts at no costFree the Science Week 2022 is the sixth year that the Society puts into action its long-term vision of providing access to all in order to accelerate the advancement of scientific research. (more…)

New Jobs: Sent Straight to Your Inbox

Are you having trouble finding the time to search through all of the available positions listed on The Electrochemical Society Career Center? Make sure you don’t miss that perfect opportunity. Create job alerts to receive notifications for positions that match your criteria—sent straight to your inbox.

How it works: (more…)

ECS Membership = Connection

Benefit from connecting with your community

“I became a member of ECS because it lets me connect to people beyond the confines of my lab or even my campus or this region,” says Tanner Hamann from the University of Maryland.

ECS membership connects you to the electrochemical community: (more…)

Posted in Membership

IOP announces a significant investment in the range of ECS Digital Library on IOP Science features. The investment is part of ECS’s and IOP’s commitment to ensuring the platform’s functionality, accessibility, performance, and security. In the coming weeks, to modernise and improve the platform, a small number of features will be temporarily unavailable with some withdrawn completely where usage is low or alternatives are available. This is necessary to replace old technologies with modern, secure, scalable cloud services with improved functioning and reliability. (more…)

We are excited to announce that you can now register for the 241st ECS Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada! The meeting takes place from May 29-June 2, 2022, at the Vancouver Convention Center.



Posted in Meetings

Join The Electrochemical Society (ECS) and IOP Publishing for the “Diversity in Publishing Science” webinar, a deep dive into empowering global researchers and accelerating scientific discovery by making diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) central to publishing science. Jessica MacDonald moderates the discussion with panelists Dr. Christina Bock; Kim Eggleton; and Adrian T. Plummer MPA, PMP.

Date: March 30, 2022
Time: 1000-1100h ET
Free to register!

Webinar is open to the public

Format: Zoom Webinar
Pre-registration: Required through ECS My Account
Don’t have one? It’s easy to create—visit Create an Account now. (more…)

The ECS Detroit Section invites you to join Michael Fetcenko for his webinar on Thursday, March 3, 2022.

Date: Thursday, March 3, 2022
Time: 1900h EST
Cost: Free


Michael Fetcenko
Executive Chairman, Sion Power

Webinar is open to the public

Format: Zoom Meeting
Pre-registration: Required through ECS My Account
Don’t have one? It’s easy to create—visit Create an Account now.

Registration is required to view the webinar. ECS membership is not required to participate. (more…)