Bryan Pivovar
Senior Research Fellow and Electrochemical Engineering and Materials Chemistry Group Manager
Chemistry and Nanosciences Center
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S.

Date: February 23, 2022
Time: 1000h ET
Hiden Analytical, Scribner Associates, Gamry Instruments


Support ECS Student Members

Student awards are a significant part of the ECS Honors & Awards Program. These awards support and provide opportunities for students as they progress in their careers—and acknowledge their dedication and outstanding achievements in electrochemical and solid state science and technology fields of study.

The Society, its sections, and divisions field these student awards: (more…)

It’s time to start thinking about your hiring needs for 2022. The search for quality candidates is easy with the features available on The Electrochemical Society Career Center

Here are three steps to connect with candidates in 2022: 


ECS Seeks Meetings Program Specialist

Reports to: Director of Meetings
Classification: Full-Time Exempt

Major function

Responsible for the development, organization, and planning of technical program content for ECS meetings (biannual, satellite, and other sponsored events). Provides a high -level of customer service (including technical support) to division leadership, symposium organizers, and meeting authors. (more…)

Posted in Announcements

2022 ECS Society Officers Election

The 2022 ECS Society Officers Election is now open through March 15, 2022. We hope you exercise your right as an ECS member to vote. We have an outstanding slate of dedicated volunteers, each of whom has a long and distinguished history of service to the Society and the field.

Follow the links below to view candidate biographies and cast your vote for the 2022 ECS officer nominees.


Call for Papers

The ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology is publishing a focus issue on IEDMS 2021, the 26th International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium sponsored by The Electronics Devices and Materials Association and National Cheng Kung University, which was held November 18-19, 2021.

The IEDMS conference provides an annual platform for international scientists, engineers, and researchers to present the latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in electron devices and materials. The themes of this conference cover fields for materials and devices including compound semiconductors, novel materials, nano and 2D materials, Si-based process, photonics, and sensors. Original high-quality papers related to these themes are welcomed, including theories, design, modeling, simulation, reliability, fabrication, integration, and applications in electronic relative fields.

Papers covering the following topics are sought:        (more…)

Posted in Publications

Drs. Atanassov, Di Noto, and McPhail review the main trends in European hydrogen technology

Image courtesy of the European Council

Image courtesy of the European Council


Deadline: Monday, February 28, 2022

Are you an undergraduate, graduate student, postdoctoral researcher, young professional, or faculty member presenting a paper at the 241st ECS Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada, from May 29-June 2, 2022?

Need assistance covering travel costs to attend the meeting?

If the answer to these questions is yes, the Society can help. Don’t let insufficient funding stop you from attending and presenting your research at the 241st ECS Meeting. Many ECS divisions and sections offer travel grants for our biannual meetings. (more…)

The Telluride Innovation Workshop on Decarbonization of Cement brings together academic, industrial, and national laboratory leaders to brainstorm pathways to decarbonize the cement industry. To ensure an intimate workshop setting, the organizers envisage no more than 20 to 30 participants.

Date: February 7 – February 11, 2022

Ah Haa School of the Arts
200 West Pacific Avenue
Telluride, CO, US 81435


The early months of each year are an exciting time at ECS as officer elections take place during the months of January through March. Elected officers constitute the organization’s executive committee and include the following positions: president, three vice presidents, secretary, and treasurer.

We vote for the new President, Third Vice President, and Treasurer in this election.

The following are biographical sketches and candidacy statements for all candidates.

