The ECS Pacific Northwest Section proudly presents Dr. David Reed and Dr. Wei Wang via free digital webinar on January 28, 2021, at 1100h PT. Pre-registration is required; ECS membership is not a pre-requisite for participation.

R&D Efforts in Energy Storage Technologies for the Grid at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Dr. David Reed
Chief Material Scientist/Program Manager
Battery Materials and Systems Group
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Dr. Wei Wang
Energy Storage Materials Initiative
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Date: January 28, 2021

Time: 1100h PT / 1400h ET (more…)

ECS Announces Brand Guide

To empower the unified and consistent use of The Electrochemical Society brand, the ECS Brand Guide has been posted online. Following the guidelines ensures that the brand—a critical asset that expresses the ECS persona, culture, and values—is known, respected, and esteemed throughout the world. The ECS global community shares the responsibility for, and integrity of, the Society’s brand.

Brand Components

The ECS Brand Guide contains the Society’s brand components and rules for how each element is used when creating branded communications. These identity elements have been carefully selected to reinforce the personality and values of the ECS brand. The guide covers: (more…)

The 2021 Society election is the first opportunity for ECS student members to help choose the new ECS President and 3d Vice President.  As previously reported, the Individual Membership Committee submitted a proposal to the Board of Directors to grant student members full voting rights. The proposal was approved by the Board of Directors in May 2020.

ECS President, Stefan de Gendt, says, “Students and early career professionals are vital to the health and long-term sustainability of the Society.  By providing these critical members the right to vote we give them a voice and the ability to directly participate in the governance of the Society.” (more…)

Carolyn Graverson’s First Semester at Grad School

As part of our check-in with the COVID-19 series interviewees, we thought a student’s point of view would be interesting. When we spoke with Carolyn Graverson last spring, she was completing her senior year at Lewis University and preparing to pursue graduate studies in chemistry at Rice University. She was home from Rice when we spoke.

Still not your usual year

Carolyn’s first semester courses were “blended.” Two were fully online; others combined in-person and digital learning. As she worked in a lab and as a TA, Carolyn had high priority status to get weekly COVID-19 tests. These, plus mandatory indoor and outdoor mask-wearing, and students pledging to stay safe and isolate, made it comfortable for Carolyn to be on campus. She attended different groups’ virtual meetings and visited their labs in person to choose her research focus. As there were fewer in-person meetings, it wasn’t the same as pre-pandemic. Nonetheless, Carolyn is happy with her decision to join the Matthew R. Jones Lab, focusing on nanoparticle assembly and ligand design. (more…)

SanDisk—an ECS Sustaining Level Institutional Member for six years—announced plans to change the name of its Japanese entity to Western Digital GK as of January 1, 2021.

Western Digital provides NAND flash memory, drive devices-SDD (Solid State Drive) and HDD (Hard Disk Drive) to retail consumers, enterprises, and large-scale data centers. The company delivers top-level total storage solutions, developing and mass-producing multiple products, including WD® and SanDisk® brands. As part of ongoing integration activity, Western Digital is renaming certain legacy entities to align with the Western Digital name. Products will continue to be marketed under the Western Digital®, G-Technology™, SanDisk® and WD® brands. (more…)

2021 ECS Officer Election

Your vote counts!

As a member-led, member-driven Society, there is no better way to share in the stewardship of this amazing organization than by exercising your right to vote in the upcoming ECS election.

We have an outstanding slate of dedicated volunteers, each of whom has a long and distinguished history of service to the Society and the field.

Follow the links below to view candidate biographies and cast your vote for the 2020 ECS officer nominees.


Call for Papers

This focus issue of the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology aims to cover emerging solid state electronic devices and materials for compound semiconductors, novel materials, Si-based processing, devices and integration, and photonic materials/devices. Solid state devices and materials have shown great potential in wide applications including electronics, photonics, and sensors. This focus issue addresses the development of novel materials with superior properties and technology shrinkage for industrial mass production. (more…)

Gerald Frankel, Ohio State University Professor and Journal of The Electrochemical Society Corrosion Science and Technology Technical Editor, is hosting CorroZoom, a webinar series focusing on corrosion science. In this time of relative isolation from professional colleagues and friends, CorroZoom seeks to build and maintain a worldwide community of scientists with mutual interests in the area of corrosion science. The webinar series is free to everyone in the world. CorroZoom is not associated with any professional organization or society. An informal organizing committee selected the speakers. If the series is successful and the need persists, more speakers will be added. (more…)

We are currently accepting nominations for the prestigious honor of Fellow of the Electrochemical Society. This award was established in 1989 for advanced individual technological contributions in the field of electrochemical and solid state science and technology and for active membership and involvement in the affairs of The Electrochemical Society. The award consists of a scroll, lapel pin, and eternal bragging rights. (more…)

Posted in Awards

Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development

The ECS Battery Division Student Research Award recognizes promising young engineers and scientists in the field of electrochemical power sources and encourages recipients to initiate or continue careers in the field. Mercedes-Benz Research & Development generously sponsors the award.

Congratulations to the 2020 award winners, Matthias Künzel of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Julian Self of the University of California Berkeley. (more…)