J. Bruce Wagner, Jr., ECS President (1983-1984)

New nomination deadline: February 1, 2021

The deadline for nominations for the J. Bruce Wagner, Jr. Award has been extended to February 1, 2021. The award was established by the ECS High Temperature Materials Division (H-Temp) in 1998 to recognize a young Society member who has demonstrated exceptional promise for a successful career in science and/or technology in the field of high temperature materials. The award consists of a framed certificate and a $1,000 prize.

Please review the award rules carefully before completing the application. View the list of distinguished past recipients. (more…)

Topic Close-up #11

Symposium A02 – Lithium Ion Batteries

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts: December 18, 2020

Submit today!

Topic Close-up #10

Symposium B02 – Carbon Nanostructures in Medicine and Biology

Deadline for submitting abstracts: December 18, 2020
Submit today!

ECS is proud to present Dr. Anita Ho-Baillie via webinar on December 16, 2020, at 1000h ET.

Durable Perovskite Solar Cells

Dr. Anita Ho-Baillie
John Hooke Chair of Nanoscience
University of Sydney, Australia

Date: December 16, 2020

Time: 1000h ET (more…)

NEW Abstract Deadline: December 18, 2020

December 18, 2020, is the new abstract submission deadline for the 239th ECS Meeting and 18th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS) which runs from May 30-June 3, 2021. Don’t miss the opportunity to present your research to thousands of colleagues from across the globe! (more…)

2020 ECS Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award Goes to Chao Liu

Each year, the ECS Corrosion Division recognizes outstanding academic achievements in corrosion science and/or engineering through the Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award. Congratulations to the 2020 Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award winner, Chao (Gilbert) Liu of the Shell Technology Center. (more…)

Call for Papers

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
Focus Issue on Photovoltaics for the 21st Century II

The ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology is publishing a special collection of invited and innovative papers which were presented at the 30th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-30) & Global Photovoltaic Conference 2020 (GPVC 2020). (more…)

Deadline: December 6, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted research, but may also prove to be a catalyst for positive change. Kudos, an award winning, cloud-based platform, through which researchers can accelerate and broaden the positive impact of their research in the world, is leading a study to understand how researchers have been affected, with a view to helping publishers, libraries, societies, and others provide researchers with better support and services.

Please take 15 minutes to share your thoughts in the online survey.


ECS encourages its institutional members to renew their memberships before the end of 2020 to ensure that their benefits and community support continue uninterrupted.

Members build their own benefit package

When you renew, you can adjust your package to meet your 2021 goals and objectives. The benefits menu includes:

  • Reduced pricing on print and digital advertising
  • Discounts on sponsoring and exhibiting at ECS biannual meetings
  • Access to the ECS Digital Library and member pricing
  • Admission to an elite network of corporate, academic, government, and national laboratory leaders


Congratulations to Aicheng Chen, the 2020 Canada Section R. C. Jacobsen Award recipient!

Dr. Aicheng Chen is Professor of Chemistry, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Electrochemistry and Nanoscience, and Director of the Electrochemical Technology Centre (ETC) at the University of Guelph, Canada. He received his MSc from Xiamen University, China, under the supervision of Prof. S.-G. Sun, and his PhD from the University of Guelph in 1998 under the direction of Prof. J. Lipkowski. After working in the chemical industry as Research Scientist and Electrochemical Specialist for four years, Chen joined Lakehead University, Canada, as Assistant Professor in 2002. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2005, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in 2006, and Professor in 2010. He received a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Senior Fellowship in 2006 to work with Prof. B. Ohtani at Hokkaido University, Japan. During his 2008 sabbatical, Dr. Chen worked with Prof. R. Compton as a visiting scholar at Oxford University, England. He joined the University of Guelph in 2017. (more…)