2020 Leadership Circle Award Winners

Since 2002, long-term ECS supporters and partners in electrochemistry and solid state science have been recognized through the Leadership Circle Awards. The awards are granted in the anniversary year an institutional member reaches a milestone level. Recipients receive a commemorative plaque and credit in ECS publications. 

ECS gratefully acknowledges the institutional members receiving the 2020 Leadership Circle award. (more…)

Topic Close-up #13

Symposium E01: Electrodeposition for Energy Applications 5

Symposium focus: This well attended interdisciplinary symposium keeps a broad focus on applications in energy storage, conversion, and generation—while maintaining electrodeposition science as the central theme. This year, we include several invited tutorial-type talks to inspire experts in electrodeposition to help solve certain scientific problems in the field of energy applications—and to make experts in energy applications aware of the capabilities and knowledge in electrodeposition. Please check out the call for papers for more details.


Kiana Amini, department of chemical engineering PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo, has some tips on how you can stay scientifically productive during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In an article published on the University of Waterloo blog, Amini says although most in-person classes, events, and research operations are now remote, which presents its challenges, it also presents many opportunities. (more…)

Posted in Education

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released a memorandum, entitled, “Administrative Relief for Recipients and Applicants of Federal Financial Assistance Directly Impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) due to Loss of Operations.” According to NSF, the purpose is to implement flexibilities authorized by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-20-17 from specific administrative, financial management, and audit requirements contained in 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, without compromising accountability requirements. The document highlights flexibilities that are applicable to NSF proposers and awardees affected by the loss of operational capacity and increased costs due to the COVID-19 crisis. Learn what they are, here. (more…)

ECS Webinar Sponsorship Opportunities

ECS Webinar Sponsorship hosted by IOP Publishing and PhysicsWorld.com

ECS is hosting a series of webinars presented by distinguished speakers in June. Series sponsorship gives businesses unique visibility with the electrochemistry and solid state science community. ECS Webinar Sponsorship is hosted by IOP Publishing and PhysicsWorld.com.

Webinar Title Presenter Date ECS Award

New Directions for Energy from Sunlight

Harry Atwater

June 10, 2020

ECS Lecture from the 237th ECS Meeting

Intricacies of High-Energy Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Arumugam Manthiram

June 17, 2020

Henry B. Linford Award Address for Distinguished Teaching

Electrochemical CO2 Reduction: Path Towards a Carbon Neutral Chemical Industry?

Paul Kenis

June 24, 2020

Energy Technology Division Research Award Address

All webinars are hosted from 1pm-2pm ET. (more…)

It is difficult to focus on events in the near future while the world is concentrating on the daily challenges regaining stability. In recognition of this and the continuing disruption caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, the abstract submission deadline for PRiME 2020 has been extended to May 29, 2020.

The Electrochemical Society, the Electrochemical Society of Japan, and the Korean Electrochemical Society are actively monitoring the global situation while preparing for PRiME 2020. As we strive to balance health and safety with an eventual return to normality, we hope that this extension relieves pressure for submitters. (more…)

Celebrate Earth Day with ECS


We are indeed living in a unique and challenging time in human history. Never before, in the modern age, have we faced a pandemic with such a profound, global impact as COVID-19. Although we are still very much in the initial grip of this unprecedented catastrophe, it is vital—perhaps more than ever before—that we recognize and celebrate Earth Day and its 50th anniversary. (more…)

Advertise in ECS’s Journals

The ECS community is one-of-a-kind. Researchers, engineers, students, established professionals, and early career researchers in the electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied fields rely on the Society as a trusted resource throughout their careers.

From networking events, professional development workshops, biannual meetings, ECS’s journals, and more, The Electrochemical Society is a platform that touches many aspects of our members’ professional lives. (more…)

ECS recognizes the importance of expanding opportunities for publishing in ECS journals as the science continues to evolve. The Society recently made changes to the sensors topical interest area (TIA). Submissions to the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) are now accepted along with the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES).

“With the rapid growth experienced by the sensor community, and the gradual blurring of boundaries between solid state and electrochemical sensing strategies, it makes eminent sense to have a single TIA for this topic for both journals,” said Krishnan Rajeshwar, JSS Editor-in-Chief, and Robert Savinell, JES Editor-in-Chief. (more…)

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Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, governments, universities, and businesses have pivoted to remote classrooms and workplaces for everyone’s safety. Out of necessity, students and faculty have rapidly adapted to online teaching and learning to finish the spring term—but recreating the lab experience remotely has been more challenging. Beyond academia, the lockdowns have disrupted researchers in government and industry labs, negatively impacting timelines and objectives. At the same time, the challenges that the solid state and electrochemical sciences are tackling have not gone away, leading to more stress and frustration. (more…)