home_coverScholarly publishing news has been buzzing about 1science’s recently published large-scale study on the impact of Open Access. This study analyzed more than 3 million papers and found that Open Access papers have a 50% greater citation advantage than papers in subscription-based journals.

Meanwhile, ECS has also been performing its own (much smaller-scale) research to confirm this hypothesis. In May 2015, ECS launched a study, led by Daniela Solomon, a librarian at Case Western Reserve University, to examine the citation advantage for Open Access articles published in Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES).

The study looks at both downloads and citations of articles published in a single volume of JES. This brief note outlines the results at the end of one year; however, we consider these results preliminary as we will continue to run the study for another year.

We will publish our findings again when the study closes: in the meantime we’d be interested in hearing your comments and thoughts on our findings so far.


Five ECS short courses will be offered at PRiME 2016 in Honolulu this October!

What are short courses? Taught by academic and industry experts in intimate learning settings, short courses offer students and professionals alike the opportunity to greatly expand their knowledge and technical expertise.

PRiME 2016 short courses will be held on Sunday, October 2, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Don’t miss the early-bird deadline of September 2, 2016! Register today!

Short Course #5: Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells

Hubert A. Gasteiger and Thomas J. Schmidt, Instructors 

This short course develops the fundamental thermodynamics and electrocatalytic processes critical to polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs, including Direct Methanol and Alkaline Membrane FCs). In the first part, we will discuss the relevant half-cell reactions, their thermodynamic driving forces, and their mathematical foundations in electrocatalysis theory (e.g., Butler-Volmer equations). Subsequently, this theoretical framework will be applied to catalyst characterization and the evaluation of kinetic parameters like activation energies, exchange current densities, reaction orders, etc.


Reminder: Submit Your OA Story Today!

Essay ContestThere’s only one week left to enter ECS’s Open Access Week Competition! Don’t forget to submit your brief 200-400 word essay for a chance to win one of two cash prizes and additional funding for your ECS Student Chapter.


1st prize: $250 to the individual, $500 to the affiliated ECS Student Chapter*

2nd prize: $100 to the individual, $250 to the affiliated ECS Student Chapter*

*In the event that there is no affiliated ECS Student Chapter, this prize money will be donated to the ECS Free the Science Fund. If a report is written by more than one individual, any prize money will be shared equally between those individuals.

Submissions Open: August 8, 2016

Submissions Close: September 15, 2016 (DEADLINE EXTENDED!)

Download our poster promoting the competition to distribute on your campus.

Not interested in participating, but want to get involved? Check out the Open Access Week website for information or inspiration: http://www.openaccessweek.org/



Start a Student Chapter!

Thinking about starting a student chapter? There’s no better time to apply than now! Send us your completed application before September 15, 2016 and get your student chapter approved this October at PRiME 2016!

What are student chapters?

ECS student chapters are student-led groups which provide student members vital opportunities to enhance their professional development and academic experience through promoting electrochemical and solid-state science and technology. Every student chapter is a collaborative community which rewards its members with serviceable benefits.


ECS Munich Student Chapter


ECS Open Access Week Competition 2016

OAlogoHere at ECS we are already preparing for Open Access Week 2016 (October 24-30). This year’s theme is “Open in Action”.

We are taking action with our Free the Science initiative – and we hope you will take action too by sharing your Open Access story with us! We want to know how Open Access is affecting you – what has OA helped you to accomplish? How is OA making a difference to you personally?

Submit your brief essay (200-400 words) for a chance to win a cash prize, and (if applicable) additional funding for your student chapter. These funds could be used to send chapter members to an ECS meeting, other conferences, invite speakers to campus, or to host any number of extra events for your chapter. Any funds not spent this year will be rolled over to the next. (more…)

Share Your Success in Interface

InterfaceCalling all ECS members! Has your section or student chapter achieved something momentous in recent months, or will it do so before mid-October? Tell us about it and you just might see your submission published. ECS wants to highlight YOUR news in the Winter 2016 edition of Interface!

ECS takes pride in its members and is consistently honored to call attention to their accomplishments and share their stories. Please do not hesitate to inform us of noteworthy events or developments in your section or student chapter. We want to recognize your successes!

Please note: While Interface actively encourages submissions of news from sections and thus places few restrictions upon them, certain guidelines must be adhered to in preparing submissions.


PRiME 2016: Student Mixer

Attending PRiME 2016 in Honolulu this October? Don’t forget to register for one of the most worthwhile and celebrated events of the meeting—the student mixer!

ECS_307 (4)11

One of the most beneficial things you can do at PRiME 2016 is make connections—meet others with similar scientific interests, experience, and professional goals. The student mixer provides the perfect environment for you to do just that.

Attended by distinguished guests, the student mixer is a must for all student attendees. Featuring light food and refreshments, the event offers students an excellent opportunity to network and socialize with industry experts, fellow students, and like-minded thinkers within a comfortable, low-pressure setting.

The PRiME 2016 Student Mixer will be held on Monday, October 3 in Tapa Ballroom 3 from 1900-2100h.

This is a ticketed event. Tickets cost $5.00 for all individuals and may be purchased online or on-site at registration on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have already registered for PRiME 2016 and wish to attend the student mixer, please log back in to your account and register today! View PRiME 2016 registration information.


2016 ECS Outstanding Student Chapter

Congratulations to the University of South Carolina for being named ECS’s Outstanding Student Chapter of 2016!

University of South Carolina Award Application

Members of the University of South Carolina Student Chapter with Dr. Thomas F. Fuller

The award, consisting of a recognition plaque, $1,000 toward student chapter funding, and chapter recognition in Interface, will be presented to the University of South Carolina at PRiME 2016 in Honolulu, Hawaii.


ECS_268Are you a student with plans to attend PRiME 2016 in Honolulu, Hawaii this October? Help ECS help you! Apply to work six hours at the meeting as a student volunteer and receive a FREE PRiME 2016 meeting registration!*

In addition to the free meeting registration, selected volunteers will receive an exclusive behind-the-scenes experience, countless networking opportunities, a PRiME shirt, and a certificate of participation!

As a student volunteer, you will work closely with the PRiME staff and gain first-hand experience in what it takes to execute a PRiME meeting. Take advantage of the opportunity to network and engage with meeting attendees, symposium organizers, and PRiME staff while learning how registration operates, technical sessions run, and how major meeting programs are facilitated.

Ready to apply? Click here to fill out your application today!


The Changes are ComingNow that more and more publishers are requiring ORCID iDs, and with the advent of ORCID’s Collect & Connect program, ORCID has been receiving an onslaught of questions about how to properly display ORCID iDs.

When ORCID first released its guidelines on collection and display in 2013, the publishing environment was very different and ORCID was still very young. The constantly changing publishing landscape coupled with the widespread uptake of ORCID iDs has created a need to reevaluate these practices and address any gaps or frequently asked questions.

In order to accomplish this, ORCID has gathered a group of publishing professionals to look at the document and create recommendations for a new set of guidelines. To be successful, these professionals must use their publishing experience, coupled with suggestions from the community. (more…)