Picture: Interface, v. 32(1), Spring 2023

Topic Close-up #1

Symposium: Z05—Materials, Devices, and Systems for Neuromorphic Computing and Artificial Intelligence Hardware

Deadline for submitting abstracts:
December 1, 2023
Submit today!


244th ECS Meeting – It Could be Verse: An Evening of PoetryCall for Poems

Join us for an evening of international poetry at the Society’s fall meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden. The session is a showcase for ECS members’ and attendees’ wide variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Intended to be fun, it will be very informal and amateur in nature!

“It Could be Verse” is a cultural entertainment event. Participants are invited to recite or read a poem, sing, play music or simply listen. Poems can be ancient or modern, well-known works by famous poets, more obscure poems, or personal compositions on any topic, in English or their native tongue, whichever is most comfortable. Poems do not need to be related in any way to science, although science-related poems are welcome. (more…)

Posted in Meetings

It’s tiring to sift through piles of underqualified resumes from generic job boards. The ECS Career Center is the ultimate solution for targeted job advertising.

When you post your job openings on the ECS Career Center, each potential candidate is tailored to your requirements, ensuring a perfect fit for your organization. Don’t forget to highlight the exceptional job benefits, bonuses, and unique company perks that make your organization stand out. (more…)


Maia Weinstock

Maia Weinstock

The ECS Nanocarbons Division is extremely proud to have a special guest speaker at their upcoming Nanocarbons Reception, on Wednesday, May 31, from 1830-2030h ET in Back Bay Ballroom D of the Sheraton Boston Hotel during the 243rd ECS Meeting. Renowned science writer and editor Maia Weinstock will discuss her recent biography of Mildred Dresselhaus, Carbon Queen: The Remarkable Life of Nanoscience Pioneer Mildred Dresselhaus.

Get your tickets for the Nanocarbons Division Reception today!

Register Now


Interested in the energy technology field? Check out upcoming symposia and related topics taking place at the 244th ECS Meeting from October 8-12, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Submit your abstract and join us!

Submit your abstract

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023


Topic Close-up #16

Symposium: I03—High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry XV Symposium

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023
Submit today!


For additional information on symposia offered at the 244th ECS Meeting, consult additional topic close-ups.


Topic Close-up #15


D02—Plasma and Thermal Processes for Materials Modification, Synthesis, and Processing

Extended abstract deadline:
April 21, 2023

For additional information on symposia offered at the 244th ECS Meeting, consult additional topic close-ups.

Submit today!


 Topic Close-up #14


Z01 General Student Poster Session

Extended abstract deadline:
April 21, 2023

For additional information on 244th ECS Meeting symposia, consult more topic close-ups.

Submit today!


Topic Close-up #13


E02—Electrodeposition of Porous Materials and Materials with Complex Geometries

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023

For additional information on symposia offered at the 243rd ECS Meeting, consult additional topic close-ups.

Submit today!


Interested in the organic and bioelectrochemistry field? Check out the upcoming symposium and related topics taking place at the 244th ECS Meeting from October 8-12, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Submit your abstract and join us!

Submit your abstract

Extended abstract deadline: April 21, 2023


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