In the Annual Open Call Funding Announcement (FOA), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $400 million in funding for a range of research opportunities to support DOE’s clean energy, economic, and national security goals. The DOE Office of Science’s funding priorities include: 


  • Advanced Scientific Computing Research
  • Basic Energy Sciences
  • Biological and Environmental Research
  • Fusion Energy Sciences
  • High Energy Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Isotope R&D and Production
  • Accelerator R&D and Production


Eric WachsmanThe Society congratulates Eric D. Wachsman, President of The Electrochemical Society, for his recent appointment as Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland (UMD), where he is Director of the Maryland Energy Innovation Institute and Crentz Centennial Chair in Energy Research, with appointments in the Departments of Materials Science & Engineering and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering.

The formal title of Distinguished University Professor, the highest appointment UMD bestows on a tenured faculty member, is accompanied by an annual honorarium to support the awardee’s professional activities. Awarded to a limited number of UMD’s most accomplished professors each year, the title recognizes not just excellence, but also impact and significant contributions to the nominee’s field, knowledge, profession, and/or practice.

An active and committed ECS member since 1989, Wachsman became President of The Electrochemical Society in June 2021. A Fellow of The Electrochemical Society and American Ceramic Society, he holds 35 patents in battery and fuel cell technologies and has published more than 280 peer-reviewed papers. Wachsman received the 2017 ECS Carl Wagner Award, 2014 Sir William Grove Award (International Association for Hydrogen Energy), 2014 Pfeil Award (Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining), 2012 Fuel Cell Seminar Award, and 2012 ECS High Temperature Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award. Wachsman will preside over the 240th ECS Meeting from October 10-14, 2021.


ECS Celebrates STEMtember

Photo: The U.S. Department of Energy

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy has declared September the month to celebrate the importance of STEM education in building a better future for us all. ECS thanks its many members whose careers are dedicated to advancing science education around the world. All our members are invited to support STEMtember. (more…)

The Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) recently released its Solar Futures Study outlining solar energy’s pivotal role in transitioning to a carbon-free electric grid. The study finds that with aggressive cost reductions, supportive policies, and large-scale electrification, solar could account for as much as 40 percent of the nation’s electricity supply by 2035 and 45 percent by 2050. The ECS community will play a critical role in the technology advances required to make this vision a reality.

Key findings 


The Electrochemical Society has named 10 members to the 2021 class of ECS Fellows. The designation “Fellow of The Electrochemical Society” was established in 1989 for advanced individual technological contributions to the fields of electrochemistry and solid state science and technology, and for service to the Society. These members are recognized for scientific achievements, leadership, and active participation in the affairs of ECS. Each year, up to 15 renowned scientists and engineers are chosen by their peers for this honor.

The 2021 ECS Fellows (listed alphabetically) are: Shekhar Bhansali; Anja Boisen; Stanko R. Brankovic; Ernesto Julio Calvo; Douglas C. Hansen; Jihyun Kim; Jagjit Nanda; M. Rosa Palacin; Slava V. Rotkin; and Xiao-Dong Zhou. (more…)

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Moreover, when you’re posting on The Electrochemical Society Career Center, every potential candidate is unique to your niche so you can focus on listing job benefits, bonuses, and other company perks.

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To access the best and brightest in the field, visit the ECS Career Center for resources employers can depend on!

Congratulations to Chibueze Amanchukwu; Christopher Arges; Marm Dixit; Marta Hatzell; and Siddharth Komini Babu; the winners of the 2021-2022 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship for Projects in Green Energy Technology. ECS and the Toyota Research Institute of North America (TRI-NA), a division of Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, Inc. (TEMA), chose the five recipients who are pursuing innovative electrochemical research in green energy technology. Through this fellowship, ECS and Toyota encourage young professionals and scholars to pursue battery and fuel cell research, and hope to see further innovative and unconventional technologies born from electrochemical research.

2021-2022 ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellows

Chibueze AmanchukwuUniversity of Chicago
“Synthesis of novel perfluoroether polymer electrolytes for energy-dense solid-state lithium metal batteries”

Chibueze Amanchukwu is Neubauer Family Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2017), with Paula Hammond as advisor. Amanchukwu pursued postdoctorate study at Stanford University with Zhenan Bao (2017-2019) and the University of Cambridge with Clare Grey (2019). His research on electrolyte design for next generation lithium batteries has been recognized by awards including the 2021 3M Nontenured Faculty Award; 2017-2019 Stanford University TomKat Center Postdoctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Energy and California Alliance Postdoctoral Fellowship; 2014-2017 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship; 2014 MIT-Imperial College London Global Fellowship; 2012 Texas A&M ChemE Outstanding Graduating Student Award; and 2011 Texas A&M Craig Brown Outstanding Senior Engineer Award. He has published 19 articles with an h-index of 14 and filed one patent. Amanchukwu serves on the Community Board of Materials Horizon. (more…)

Networking While Social Distancing

You hear it over and over: to get your dream job, get out there and network. Here some suggestions from experts on networking during a period of social distancing. No matter what stage of career you are in—student, early, mid or advanced career—networking is useful. ECS provides a multitude of networking opportunities. Here’s how to make them work for you.

Eight tips

1. Participate in digital meetings with leaders in your field. Take advantage of Q&A sessions to introduce yourself (by full name and organization) and ask questions. Then follow up with the experts through LinkedIn and emails. The 240th ECS Meeting is a great opportunity to link up with the leading authorities in the field of electrochemistry—wherever they are in the world! (more…)

The publishing staff of The Electrochemical Society Interface is pleased to announce that with the addition to the ECS Digital Library of the four 1993 ECS Interface issues, plus the first Interface issue (winter 1992), more than 29 years of the ECS community’s history can be seen through the lens of Interface. The digitization of Interface was an 18-month project, focused on ensuring that Interface could be accessible to community members all over the world via a digital medium. (more…)

Free Professional Resume Review

Job interviewGrab the attention of employers and recruiters with a great resume! Your resume is your first impression to potential employers. As a job seeker, your resume should be current and stand out from the competition.

The Electrochemical Society Career Center FREE Resume Critique service allows you to get your resume reviewed by experts with the same critical attention as potential employers. To increase your chance of getting an interview, these experts ensure that your resume outlines your strengths and emphasizes vital skills.

A professional resume review can increase your chance to land your dream job.

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To jump start the journey to enhance your career, visit the ECS Career Center for job seeking resources and open positions!

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