2022 ECS Society Officers Election

The 2022 ECS Society Officers Election is now open through March 15, 2022. We hope you exercise your right as an ECS member to vote. We have an outstanding slate of dedicated volunteers, each of whom has a long and distinguished history of service to the Society and the field.

Follow the links below to view candidate biographies and cast your vote for the 2022 ECS officer nominees.


The ECS Honors & Awards Program provides many opportunities to honor the outstanding achievements and contributions to electrochemistry and solid state science made by ECS members at every level, and recognize exceptional service to the Society. In addition, each year ECS provides for, and facilitates the use of, thousands of dollars in fellowships and biannual meeting travel grants to support students’ and early career researchers’ efforts to advance electrochemistry and solid state science.

Please note these upcoming deadlines and submit applications and nominations as soon as possible!

Society Awards

Fellow of The Electrochemical Society
Advanced individual technological contributions in the field of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and active ECS membership, are recognized by the Fellow designation. The award consists of a framed certificate and ECS Fellow lapel pin.
Nomination deadline: February 1, 2022 (more…)

Dr. Thalia Standish

Dr. Thalia Standish

Congratulations to Thalia Standish of the University of Western Ontario for receiving the 2021 ECS Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award. Each year, the division recognizes and rewards outstanding graduate research in the field of corrosion science and/or engineering. Such early recognition of highly qualified corrosion scientists and/or engineers is intended to encourage especially promising researchers to remain active in the field after their graduate research is completed.

Dr. Thalia Standish

Thalia Standish is a Research Scientist at Surface Science Western, where she conducts material analyses to advance academic research and help solve industrial problems. She received her PhD in Chemistry from Western University in 2019. Her graduate research focused on evaluating the galvanic corrosion behavior of copper-coated carbon steel for used nuclear fuel containers, using a combination of electrochemical techniques, x-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), and surface analytical techniques. Dr. Standish is currently developing expertise in Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and thermal analysis techniques, focusing on polymeric materials in particular. (more…)

Congratulations to Muhammad Mominur Rahman of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) and Yang Yu of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the 2021 recipients of the Battery Division Student Research Award Sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development.

Muhammed Mominur Rahman


Dr. Ahok Vijh

The ECS Canada Section is now accepting nominations for the Canada Section Electrochemical Award, established in 1981 to recognize significant contributions to the advancement of electrochemistry in Canada. The recipient’s achievements are recognized with a gold medal at the section’s 2022 annual meeting.

This award is conferred every four years. Ashok Vijh, a distinguished scientist and founding member of the Hydro-Québec Institute of Research, received the last award in 2018.

Consider your fellow Canada Section electrochemists and acknowledge their hard work by submitting a nomination today! Please review the full award details carefully before completing the application.

The ECS Canada Section bestows four awards that are part of the ECS Honors and Awards Program—a program that has recognized scientific accomplishments in the Society’s disciplines for decades.

Learn more about the ECS Canada Section awards and the ECS Honors and Awards Program!

Sponsored by BioLogic

Through this award sponsored by BioLogic since 2012, the ECS Energy Technology Division recognizes the accomplishments of a promising young engineering or science graduate student in the fields pertaining to this division. Congratulations to Charles Tai-Chieh Wan, the winner of this year’s ECS Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award!

Charles Tai-Chieh Wan

Charles Tai-Chieh Wan is a PhD candidate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S., under the co-supervision of Prof. Fikile R. Brushett and Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang. In 2017, he completed a BS summa cum laude in chemical and biomolecular engineering at Cornell University, U.S.

Wan’s graduate thesis work focuses on developing designer electrode microstructures and surfaces for redox flow batteries by advancing unconventional yet potentially beneficial paradigms. His research efforts include leveraging principles of phase separation to synthesize and probe new electrode microstructures, investigating thin-film organic coatings to mediate the electrode-electrolyte interface, and examining biomass-derived materials for use in redox flow batteries.

ECS Honors & Awards Program


Voting is now taking place for the position of Treasurer of the ECS High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes (H-TEMP) Division. Biographical sketches and statements follow for the candidates nominated for the position. ECS division officers serve as volunteers.

We urge all ECS H-TEMP Division members to take part in this important election! Voting is open from September 1 through September 29. (more…)

Posted in Announcements

Outstanding achievements in electrochemical and solid state science and technology—and exceptional service to the Society—are recognized through ECS honors and awards. Take note of these upcoming deadlines and submit nominations as soon as possible!

Society Awards

Edward Goodrich Acheson Award
The Acheson Award acknowledges distinguished contributions to the advancement of any of the objects, purposes or activities of The Electrochemical Society. The award consists of a gold medal and plaque containing a bronze replica of the medal thereof; US $10,000; complimentary meeting registration for the award recipient and companion; dinner held in recipient’s honor during the designated meeting; and Life Membership in the Society.
Deadline: October 1, 2021

Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award
A young scientist or engineer’s outstanding scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied electrochemistry or solid state science and technology is recognized by this award. The recipient receives a framed scroll; US $5,000; complimentary meeting registration for the award recipient and companion; dinner held in the recipient’s honor during the designated meeting; Life Membership in the Society; and up to US $1,000 for un-reimbursed travel expenses to attend the designated meeting.
Deadline: October 1, 2021 (more…)

Holly Fruehwald, a PhD student at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Ontario Tech), Canada, is the recipient of the 2021 ECS Canada Section Student Award. The award recognizes a promising young engineer or scientist in whose work electrochemical science and technology and/or solid state science and technology are the central consideration.

ECS Canada Section Student Award

The section established the award, which is bestowed annually, in 1987. The winner receives a $1,500 USD prize which is awarded at an ECS Canada Section meeting. The award recipient is invited to give a lecture on the topic of his/her research.


The ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE) Division recognizes and rewards promising young engineers and scientists in the fields of electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry with two special awards. Congratulations to Akshay Subramaniam who received the IE&EE Division Student Achievement Award, and Eric McShane, winner of the IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award.

The IE&EE Division Student Achievement Award was established in 1989. The IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award was established in 1990 with a gift from the Dow Chemical Company Foundation to encourage recipients to continue careers in electrochemical engineering or applied electrochemistry. Both awards require that nominees describe a research project that they will pursue during the award year, and how that project relates to the field of electrochemical engineering or applied electrochemistry. The recipients of the awards each receive a framed certificate and US $1,000 prize. The IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award restricts use of the award to expenses associated with the recipient’s education or research project, i.e., tuition, books, equipment, or supplies. (more…)

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