1. Sold out exhibit floor!

Not only is the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle (May 13-17, 2018) the largest ECS spring meeting to date, the exhibit floor is sold out and will feature more industry leading companies than ever before including these first time exhibitors:

See who else is exhibiting in Seattle!

2. Career expo/career services

NOLA Exhibit BoothVisit the ECS Career Expo and have a free professional portrait taken, get your resume reviewed, learn more about ECSarXiv, the new free online service for preprints, and maybe discover a career opportunity with the Korea Institute of Science and Technology.

View the exhibitors that will be at the career expo.

3. Networking breaks with coffee!

We have added a second coffee break that will take place on the exhibit floor at 1530h on Tuesday and Wednesday! Enjoy a cup of coffee while networking with exhibitors.

4. New exhibit hours/Monday night poster session

The exhibit floor will now be open on Monday night, directly following the plenary session, along with an additional poster session.

5. Raffles every night!

Stop by the ECS booths on the exhibit floor (booth # 401 & 500) to enter our raffles or play ECS trivia to win prizes! ECS staff will also be available to answer questions regarding the meeting or our programs.

Raffle prizes:

  • half-page Interface ad
  • Monographs
  • free meeting registration for AiMES
  • free 5-year membership
  • APC
Posted in Meetings

Reinventing the Inductor

ECS member Kaustav Banerjee, and his team, recently discovered a materials-based approach to reinventing inductors.

A basic building block of modern technology, inductors are everywhere: cellphones, laptops, radios, televisions, cars. And surprisingly, they are essentially the same today as in 1831, when they were first created by English scientist Michael Faraday.

The particularly large size of inductors made according to Faraday’s design are a limiting factor in delivering the miniaturized devices that will help realize the potential of the Internet of Things, which promises to connect people to some 50 billion objects by 2020. That lofty goal is expected to have an estimated economic impact between $2.7 and $6.2 trillion annually by 2025.

According to Banerjee, this new approach yields a smaller, higher-performing alternative to the classic design.

Read more on Forbes.com.

Need a Hotel Room in Seattle?

For the 233rd ECS Meeting that is. Additional rooms have been secured at the Crowne Plaza with rates beginning at $199/night.

Book now for free WiFi, a 24-hour fitness center, and a short walk to the meeting venues, all in the heart of downtown Seattle.

Do not delay, this special room rate is only available until April 20, 2018.

Register now for the meeting!

Posted in Meetings

Over 2,600 abstracts across 46 symposia from the upcoming 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA are now available for download in the ECS Digital Library!

ECS Meeting Abstracts contain extended abstracts of the technical papers presented at the ECS biannual meetings and ECS-sponsored meetings. This publication offers a first look into the current research in the field. ECS Meeting Abstracts are freely available to all visitors of the ECS Digital Library.

With over 60,000 total abstracts available electronically, be sure to check out content from past meetings!

Did you know? All ECS Transactions, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, and ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology articles that develop out of ECS Meeting Abstracts are linked back to their original abstracts in the digital library.

Don’t forget to join us in Seattle! The early bird deadline has passed, but there is still time to register!

Register today!

Posted in Meetings

ECS is committed to providing educational opportunities to our meeting attendees. We would like to announce two new professional development workshops available at the 233rd ECS Meeting:

Matthew RappaportIntroduction to Intellectual Property
Intellectual property plays a key role in research, development, and implementation within the innovation landscape. Learn basic strategies to safeguard your research.

Instructor: Matthew Rappaport, IP CheckUps
As the co-founder of IP Checkups, Matthew has managed hundreds of patent landscape analyses, market research, and intellectual property strategy.

Michel FoureGrant Writing
Your career growth may largely hinge on your ability to raise funding whether your career is in industry, government, or academia. The workshop serves to provide important guidelines that work to increase your success.

Instructor: Michel Foure, Berkeley Grant Writing
Michel offers a lifetime of experience of both writing very successful grant proposals during his industry career as well as reviewing hundreds of proposals during his tenure at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

View the full workshop descriptions.

We can add these workshops to your registration today. Contact us at Customer.Service@electrochem.org.

Posted in Education

Editor’s note: This briefing was written by Admiral Instruments. Admiral Instruments will be exhibiting (booth 309) at the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA this May. See a list of all our exhibitors.

You’ve probably heard your potentiostat ‘click’ while running a cyclic voltammetry experiment or similar sweep methods. Have you ever wondered where that clicking comes from, and why it happens?

The clicking sound is made by a series of electromechanical relays (AKA switches) when they turn on or off to direct the flow of current (I) to a different shunt resistor. A shunt resistor is a specialized resistor with high accuracy and a low temperature coefficient. In most commercially-available potentiostats, current is not directly measured. Rather, current readings are calculated by dividing the voltage drop (V) across the shunt resistor by the resistance (R) of the shunt resistor.

I = V/R


Advance Your Career

Professional Development WorkshopProfessional development workshops are a growing feature of the ECS biannual meetings. Several new and recurring workshops being held at the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA. The workshops are led by industry and career professionals in order to best serve the interests for mid- and early-career researchers and students.

New workshop additions

An Introduction to Intellectual Property
Instructor: Matthew Rappaport, IP Checkups, Inc.

In recent years intellectual property has become contentious with notable high-tech companies influencing patent rights. Nevertheless, IP continues to play a key role in the development and innovation ecosystem, particularly for start-ups and early-stage commercialization. In this short course, we will get down to basics in exploring the role of IP in protecting your early-stage development and commercialization. Along the way, we will review IP basics and explore portfolio development to help protect your inventions. Decisions such as internal R&D, strategic partnerships or licensing are informed by your portfolio. And finally, what to do when you have to enforce your rights. This workshop is 2.5 hours.


Posted in Meetings

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 30, 2018
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #11

Symposium E04: Electrodeposition of Reactive Metals and Alloys for Energy Storage

Symposium purpose is to bring together experts from the fields of electrodeposition and energy storage to discuss and learn about the science and technological issues in this fascinating topic which we share. Electrodeposition or plating of reactive compounds is common place in energy storage applications such as metal-air, lithium metal and next generation sodium, magnesium or calcium battery concepts. On the other hand, high quality coatings of reactive metals and alloys such as aluminum, magnesium, vanadium and zinc find applications in anti-corrosion coatings, microelectronics, fuel cells, electrolyzers, supercapacitors and sensors. We welcome all abstracts about novel deposition processes, electrolytes and additives, insights in kinetics, nucleation and growth phenomena, as well as on advanced applications in this field.

Confirmed Invited Speakers include Dr. Fanny Barde of Toyota Motor Europe, Dr. Debra R. Rolison of NRL, Prof. Craig B. Arnold from Princeton University, Prof. Takayuki Homma from Waseda University and Snehashis Choudhury, young investigator at Cornell University (group of prof. Lynden Archer).

Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
March 30, 2018
Submit today!

Topic Close-up #10

Symposium G02: Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 14

Symposium Focus: This symposium focuses on a variety of applications of ALD and other atomic layer-by-layer processing in semiconductor CMOS (e.g. high-k oxides and metals for memories like Flash and 3D NAND, MIM, MIS capacitors), photovoltaics, energy storage and conversion, catalysis, optics and photonics, smart coatings of nanoporous materials, MLD and hybrid ALD/MLD, fundamentals of ALD processing: reaction mechanisms, in-situ measurement, modeling, theory, new precursors and delivery systems, optical and photonic applications, productivity enhancement, scale-up and commercialization of ALD equipment and processes for rigid and flexible substrates, including roll-to-roll deposition, spatial ALD, area-selective ALD, Atomic Layer Etching (‘reverse ALD’) and related topics aiming at self-limited etching.


Award winner DeijunThe winner of the 2018 Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award sponsored by Bio-Logic is Deijun Xiong!

Each year, the ECS Energy Technology Division recognizes and rewards promising young engineers and scientists in fields pertaining to this division. The award was established in 2012 and is intended to encourage the recipients to initiate or continue careers in this field. ECS is proud to acknowledge Bio-Logic for its generous sponsorship of this award. Recipients receive a framed certificate, a $1,000 prize, complimentary student meeting registration and complimentary admission to the onsite division leadership meeting. The nomination deadline is September 1 of each year.

Deijun Xiong completed his PhD in chemistry at Dalhousie University in October 2017 under the supervision of Jeff Dahn.

During his PhD, he mainly focused on understanding the failure of high voltage LiNixMnyCo(1-x-y)O2 (NMC) cells and developing functional electrolyte for high voltage NMC cells. He put forward a novel “pouch bag” method to deepen understanding of the crosstalks occurring in Li-ion cells. He provided new support that oxygen can be released from charged polycrystalline NMC materials rather than single crystal NMC materials at mild temperature at high voltage. He also made contributions to develop ethylene carbonate-free electrolytes for high voltage NMC cells.
In December 2017, Deijun joined Shenzhen Capchem Technology Co. Ltd (one of the leading Li-ion battery and supercapacitor electrolyte companies in the world) as vice director of research and development to develop functional electrolytes for Li-ion battery and supercapacitor.

Spring 2018 division awards will be conferred at the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA from May 13-17, 2018. Join Deijun as he delivers his award talk called “Understanding Crosstalks in Li-Ion Cells” on Wednesday, May 16 | 0820h in Room 608 of the Washington State Convention & Trade Center.

Posted in Awards, Programs