Prof. Dr. Bruno G. Pollet
Canada Research Chair and Innergex Chair in Green Hydrogen Production
Director, Institute for Hydrogen Research (IHR)
Director, Green Hydrogen Lab (GH2Lab)
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)

Date: October 26, 2022
Time: 1300–1400h ET
Sponsors: Gamry Instruments, Biologic, Hiden Analytical



Dr. Wesley Dose’s Webinar Q&A

Wesley DoseThe Electrochemical Society hosted Dr. Wesley Dose’s live webinar, “Challenges Facing Li-ion Battery Electrolytes and High-energy Cathodes,” on September 21, 2022. Dr. Dose took audience questions during a live Question and Answer session at the end of the presentation. He kindly answered, in writing, questions not answered during the broadcast. Find these responses below.

View Dr. Dose’s Webinar

NOTE: Registration is required to view the webinar.



ECS San Francisco Section Distinguished Seminar Series

Register for the September 22 event!

“Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) of lithium ion batteries: Role of additives and crossover reactions on stability and performance”

Brett Lucht
Professor of Chemistry
University of Rhode Island 

Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Time: 1000-1100h PST 
Price: Free; the webinar is open to public.
Format: Virtual via Zoom
Sponsor: Toyota Research Institute of North America

Register now


Register for November 9 webinar

Join this webinar and learn how to publish your first book. Experienced Wiley Commissioning Editor Sarah Higginbotham talks you through the book publishing experience at Wiley, including how to prepare a new book proposal, what is expected of you as a book author or editor, and how Wiley publishing professionals support you through the process. The webinar also explores several great reasons to publish a book with Wiley and ECS, from enhancing the visibility and global impact of your work, to building your reputation and accelerating your career.

Speaker: Sarah Higginbotham (she/her)
Senior Commissioning Editor, Wiley
Date: November 9, 2022
Time: 1000-1100h ET
Free to register!
Registration is required to view the webinar. ECS membership is not required to participate.

Register now


Wesley DoseDr. Wesley Dose
Assistant Professor
University of Leicester

Date: September 21, 2022
Time: 1000-1100h ET
Sponsors: TA Instruments – Waters, Biologic, Hiden Analytical



Dr. Judy JeevarajanThe Electrochemical Society hosted Dr. Judy Jeevarajan’s live webinar, “Characterization of Li-ion Battery Thermal Runaway in ESSs and EVs,” on August 3, 2022. Dr. Jeevarajan took audience questions during a live Question and Answer session at the end of the presentation. She kindly answered, in writing, questions not answered during the broadcast. Find these responses below.

View Dr. Judy Jeevarajan’s Webinar


Hosted by ECS Pacific Northwest Section

A video recording of The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Workshop webinar is now available for open-access viewing on the ECS YouTube channel.

The Society and ECS Pacific Northwest Section hosted the workshop on July 21, 2022. This timely event covered:

  • Roles of hydrogen and hydrogen technologies in decarbonization of our society;
  • Status of industrial deployment of hydrogen technologies, (e.g., fuel cells, electrolyzer);
  • R&D needs and workforce development for hydrogen technologies


Dr. Dianne Xiao

Dr. Dianne Xiao

Dianne Xiao
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Washington

Date: August 17, 2022
Time: 1000–1100h PT
There is no cost to register for this event, but registration is required.

Register now


The webinar is open to the public; ECS membership is not required.


Dr. Luis Fernando Arenas

Dr. Luis Fernando Arenas

The Electrochemical Society hosted Dr. Luis Fernando Arenas’ live webinar, “Flow Cells: Advanced Electrodes via 3D Printing and Tomography,” on July 20, 2022. Dr. Arenas took audience questions during a live Question and Answer session at the end of the presentation, and was kind enough to answer, in writing, questions he was not able to get to during the broadcast. Read his responses to these questions below.

View Dr. Luis Fernando Arenas’ Webinar
NOTE: Registration is required for viewing


Register ASAP for August 24 webinar

Join us for an inside view into the ECS submission and peer review process, and tips on preparing and managing a strong manuscript submission for publication consideration. Two esteemed ECS editors—Brett Lucht and Janine Mauzeroll—guide you through the process.

This webinar deepens ECS Publications editorial teams’ connection and engagement with students and early career researchers in the ECS community—an important component of our mission to disseminate scientific research to the electrochemical and solid state community.

Date: August 24, 2022
Time: 1000-1100h ET
Free to register!


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