Focus Issue on Trends and Biohybrid Approaches in Microbial Electrochemical Systems

The Journal of The Electrochemical Society is publishing a collection of papers on trends and biohybrid approaches in microbial electrochemical systems.

The issue focuses on the most recent approaches utilized to develop microbial electrochemical systems, from the use of porous biocompatible, bio-derived electrodes, to the implementation of novel redox mediation approaches and the engineering of the biocatalysts. Innovative application of microbial electrochemical systems is of interest for the special issue, such as the application for self-powered biosensing, bioelectrosynthesis, and biosolar cells.

Papers presenting novel techniques for the study and characterization of microbial electrochemical systems are also welcome.

This issue is open to all authors interested in submitting review, critical review, perspective, methods, communication, or original research articles.

Accepting Submissions: November 1, 2023 | Submission Deadline EXTENDED: November 30, 2024

Guest Editors

Olja Simoska, University of South Carolina, U.S. |
Matteo Grattieri, Università degli studi di Bari, Italy |
Ariel Furst, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S. |
Jeffrey Halpern, University of New Hampshire, U.S. |
Sanela Martic, Trent University, Canada |

Technical Editor

Janine Mauzeroll, McGill University, Canada |


Robert Savinell, Case Western Reserve University, U.S. |

Articles are published in a standard issue of the journal as they are accepted. If selected at submission, accepted papers are published online in the ECS Digital Library on IOPscience within 24 hours of scheduling for publication. The version of record is published online within approximately 10 days of final acceptance.

Visit the ECS website for author submission instructions and requirements for each article type.

OPEN ACCESS: Authors choosing to publish open access agree to pay an article processing charge (APC) if their papers are accepted. APCs are discounted by 75 percent for ECS members and waived for authors from ECS Plus subscribing institutions. Check if your institution subscribes to ECS Plus. Discounts are applied at the time of payment.


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