Interface Spotlight: Sanjay Choudhary and Scott Cushing

The spotlight is on Sanjay Choudhary and Scott Cushing for “Reports From the Frontier: The Need for a Better Understanding of Passive Films” in Volume 33 of The Electrochemical Society Interface. In the recent article, Dr. Choudhary addresses the pressing need for a deeper comprehension of how alloy composition and microstructure influence the development and distribution of chemical heterogeneities and crystallographic defects within passive films.

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Sanjay Choudhary is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Virginia. An ECS Early Career Member, he received the Society’s 2023 Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award.

Scott Cushing, who edited the article, is Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology and Interface Contributing Editor.

“Reports from the Frontier” feature ECS award-winning students and post-docs writing primary author perspectives on their field, their work, and where they believe things are going.


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