SUBMIT NOMINATIONS for the 2025 Class of Fellows of The Electrochemical Society

What does it take to become a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society? To be eligible, one must be an ECS member, have made advanced individual technological contributions in electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and be actively involved in ECS affairs.

If you know an ECS member who meets these criteria, nominate them today! If you nominated a member last year who was not selected, know that nominations are good for two years. If the nominees’ ECS memberships are active, they are automatically reconsidered without a new nomination submission.

Fellow of The Electrochemical Society

The designation “Fellow of The Electrochemical Society” was established in 1989. Each year, ECS inducts up to 15 distinguished Society members to hold the title of Fellow. The roster of past recipients includes the most distinguished scientists working in electrochemistry and solid state science.

Learn more about the nomination process and submit your nomination by February 1, 2025.


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