ECS Pacific Northwest Section Hosts 2024 Industry & Careers Day Webinar

Save the date: June 13, 2024

Students and postdoctoral researchers interested in careers in electrochemistry and solid state science are invited to the ECS Pacific Northwest Section’s  Industry & Careers Day. To promote careers in electrochemistry, this event connects participants with industry and national laboratory representatives. Presenters provide insights into their career experiences, skills valued in potential job candidates, and upcoming opportunities in the rapidly expanding electrochemical, solid state, and related technologies fields.

Confirmed industry participants include Microsoft, Forge Nano Inc., Presidio Medical, AbbVie Inc., H10 Capital, John Deere, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.


Event information

Date: June 13, 2024

Event start time: 0900h PST

Fee: Participation is free

Registration: Preregistration is required to attend.
The webinar is open to the public; ECS membership is not required.


0900-1100h PST: Industry panel discussion with a moderated question and answer session from students

1230-1630h PST: Breakout sessions with individual companies, more detailed presentations, and informal recruiting sessions.

ECS Sections

ECS Sections introduce and support activities in electrochemistry and solid state science in specific regions. Getting involved with a section is an excellent networking opportunity for those new to the field or advanced in their careers. Sections also bring technical news and activities within reach of those who are not able to attend ECS meetings. Learn more!

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