Marc Koper
Koper Delivers Bard Award Address on June 3
The Electrochemical Society (ECS) honored Marc Koper, Professor of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis at Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands, with the 2021 ECS Allen J. Bard Award in Electrochemical Science. He will deliver his Award Address, “Electrochemistry of Platinum: New Views on an Old Problem,” at the 239th ECS Meeting with IMCS18. The address can be seen live online at 0900h EDT, Thursday, June 3, after which it will be available through June 26, 2021. There is no cost to participate, however pre-registration is required.
Bard Award Address
Koper’s address, “Electrochemistry of Platinum: New Views on an Old Problem,” presents his research group’s recent work on understanding the surface chemistry of platinum in an aqueous electrolyte, by combining single-crystal electrochemistry, density functional theory calculations, ultra-high-vacuum modeling, in situ spectroscopy, and in situ electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy. Platinum is the most used electrocatalyst in electrochemical energy conversion devices such as fuel cells and electrolysers. Koper challenges some existing explanations and interpretations of platinum electrochemistry, and shows the sometimes surprising surface disordering of platinum that happens at both positive (anodic) and negative (cathodic) potentials. (more…)