Chris Jannuzzi

ECS Executive Director & CEO Chris Jannuzzi

The Electrochemical Society meetings’ plenary sessions provide unparalleled opportunities for participants. Christopher J. Jannuzzi, ECS Executive Director and CEO, described these benefits in his introduction to the 235th ECS Meeting. The plenary session brings everyone together. Colleagues create long-lasting collaborative efforts. Participants enrich and energize their professional lives. New friends are made and old friends revisited. Leading authorities showcase important innovations in the electrochemical and solid state sciences which can impact attendees’ research.

Last spring, at the 235th ECS Meeting’s plenary session, Héctor Abruña and David Lockwood received Society Awards. They spoke on new research in energy conversion and storage, and silicon-based photonic integrated circuits. (more…)

Breaking Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Abruna_Hector_D“You’re not going to solve the energy problem by separating paper and plastic. We need to transition out of our dependency on fossil fuels and into renewables. As a society, it is really up to us to change.”

ECS Fellow Héctor D. Abruña recently spoke on the importance of developing better batteries to change the energy landscape at a Charter Day Weekend lecture at Cornell University.

The energy infrastructure as it exists today cannot maintain in its current form in the years to come. The United Nations expects the world’s population to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. Compare this to the current 7.2 billion population and the current issues with the energy infrastructure and the need for change becomes quite apparent.

Fortunately, Abruña and scientists like him are working to move us toward a more energy efficient and sustainable future through developments in fuel cells and batteries, which will power energy efficient and environmentally safe cars, as well as reshape the energy infrastructure itself.

“If we have any hope of solving the energy problems, we need better energy conversion and storage,” said Abruña.
