ECS is pleased to announce the winners of the PRiME 2020 symposia-funded best poster and presentation awards!

Awards of this type are presented at every ECS meeting thanks to the generous funding of individual symposium sponsors. Please take a moment to celebrate the excellent work of the authors listed below.

If you missed the opportunity to view these presentations, there is still time! All presentations are accessible until November 9, 2020! Pre-registration is required. (more…)

The ECS General Student Poster Session Awards were established in 1993 to acknowledge the excellence of students’ work. The winners’ posters display their understanding of research topics in fields of interest to the Society.

This year, 243 students submitted posters for the PRiME 2020 General Student Poster Session. Of them, three student posters stood out above the rest. The recipients of the PRiME 2020 Z01 General Student Poster Session’s best poster awards are:

1st Place – $1,500 cash award
Jong Hwa Kim
Poster # 142359
Feasibility of LiNbO3 Surface Coating on High-Ni Layered Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries
Kim received BS in Advanced Materials Engineering for Information and Electronics from Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea, in 2019. He is pursuing his MS under the guidance of Professor Min-Sik Park at the same university. Kim’s research focuses on improving the performance of cathode materials for lithium ion batteries.

2021 ECS IE&EE Division Awards

Nomination Deadline: September 1, 2020

Are you a student of electrochemical engineering and/or applied electrochemistry? Do you teach or mentor students within these areas? If the answer is ‘yes’ to either question, then the following information is for you! The ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division invites you to nominate qualified student(s) for the following division awards: (more…)

Support our Next Generation

Nominate a deserving student today!

While we often reflect on the Society’s impressive history, it is also important to look to the future. The next generation of scientists and engineers will solve the seemingly insurmountable challenges facing society today—sustainability, water cleanliness, climate change, and disease, to name just a few.  

Student awards—part of the ECS Honors and Awards Program—support the next generation of scientists by expanding opportunities as they progress in their careers. These awards acknowledge student and early career scientists’ dedication and outstanding achievements in their fields of study. (more…)

Nomination deadline: August 1, 2020

You are invited to nominate qualified candidate(s) for the ECS Electronics and Photonics Division Award.

The Electronics and Photonics Division (EPD) Award was established in 1969 to encourage excellence in electronics research and outstanding technical contribution to the field of electronics science. The award recognizes authors who have made noteworthy scientific contributions and enhanced the scientific stature of the Society by the presentation of well-received papers in ECS journals and at Society meetings. (more…)

Deadline for Nominations:  September 1, 2020



The Energy Technology Division Research Award was established in 1992 to encourage excellence in energy related research and to encourage publication in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. The award recognizes outstanding and original contributions to the science and technology of energy related research areas that include scientific and technological aspects of fossil fuels and alternative energy sources, energy management, and environmental consequences of energy utilization.


Call for Nominations

Nominations are sought for an individual or a small group of individuals (no more than three) who have made an outstanding contribution to the science of semiconductor electrochemistry and photoelectrochemistry, including the underlying areas of physical and materials chemistry of significance to this field.

The ECS Europe Section Heinz Gerischer Award consists of a commemorative plaque and a prize of EUR 2,000. If needed, financial assistance is provided for non-reimbursed travel expenses incurred to receive the award (not to exceed EUR 1,000). (more…)

Nomination Deadline: April 1, 2020

ECS’s Electrodeposition Division is accepting nominations for two awards: the Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award and the Electrodeposition Division Research Award. The award winners are recognized at PRiME 2020 in Honolulu, Hawaii, from October 4-9, 2020.

Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award

The Electrodeposition Division Early Career Investigator Award was established in 2015 to recognize an outstanding early career researcher in the field of electrochemical deposition science and technology. Early recognition of highly qualified scientists is intended to enhance his/her stature and encourage especially promising researchers to remain active in the field. (more…)

Sensor DivisionDeadline: March 1, 2020

The ECS Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award was established in 1989 to recognize outstanding achievement in research and/or technical contributions to the field of sensors and to encourage work excellence in the field. The award consists of a framed certificate and a $1,000 prize. The next award winner is recognized at the PRiME 2020, in Honolulu, HI, from October 4-9, 2020.

Joseph Wang received the award in 2018. He is Distinguished Professor, SAIC Endowed Chair and Chair in the Department of Nanoengineering at University of California, San Diego; and director of the UCSD Center of Wearable Sensors. His award talk, “Electrochemical Sensors: From Beakers to the Skin and the Mouth,” was presented at the 2018 PRiME meeting in Hawaii.


2020 ECS Battery Division Awards

Battery DivisionNominations Deadline: March 15

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Battery Division is accepting nominations for four awards: the Battery Division Research Award, Technology Award, Postdoctoral Associate Research Award, and Student Research Award. The award winners are recognized at PRiME 2020 in Honolulu, Hawaii, from October 4-9, 2020.

Battery Division Research Award: established in 1958 to encourage excellence in battery and fuel cell research, and to encourage publication in ECS journals. The winner receives a framed certificate; a $2,000 prize; and ECS Battery Division membership for as long as the recipient maintains Society membership.


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