Save the date: June 13, 2024

Students and postdoctoral researchers interested in careers in electrochemistry and solid state science are invited to the ECS Pacific Northwest Section’s  Industry & Careers Day. To promote careers in electrochemistry, this event connects participants with industry and national laboratory representatives. Presenters provide insights into their career experiences, skills valued in potential job candidates, and upcoming opportunities in the rapidly expanding electrochemical, solid state, and related technologies fields.

Confirmed industry participants include Microsoft, Forge Nano Inc., Presidio Medical, AbbVie Inc., H10 Capital, John Deere, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.



Section’s 2023 Annual Conference

The ECS Pacific Northwest Section is hosting a joint electrochemistry conference with the Oregon Center for Electrochemistry (OCE) from September 21 – 22, 2023, on the University of Oregon (UO) campus in Eugene, OR. The conference is free to attend with pre-registration, and participants are welcome to present their work in a lively poster session.

Register Today!


Hosted by ECS Pacific Northwest Section

A video recording of The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Workshop webinar is now available for open-access viewing on the ECS YouTube channel.

The Society and ECS Pacific Northwest Section hosted the workshop on July 21, 2022. This timely event covered:

  • Roles of hydrogen and hydrogen technologies in decarbonization of our society;
  • Status of industrial deployment of hydrogen technologies, (e.g., fuel cells, electrolyzer);
  • R&D needs and workforce development for hydrogen technologies


Dr. Dianne Xiao

Dr. Dianne Xiao

Dianne Xiao
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Washington

Date: August 17, 2022
Time: 1000–1100h PT
There is no cost to register for this event, but registration is required.

Register now


The webinar is open to the public; ECS membership is not required.


Dr. Dustin McLartyA video recording of Dr. Dustin McLarty’s webinar on e-fuels is now available for open-access viewing on the official ECS YouTube channel.

The Society and ECS Pacific Northwest Section hosted the June 28 webinar, “Pressurized Steam Electrolysis and A VYZion for Sustainable E-Fuels.” This timely presentation covered:

  • Pressurized operation of solid oxide cells, trade-offs in performance and economics;
  • EIS testing of vanadia-doped zirconia electrodes;
  • Testing facilities available for collaboration at Washington State University.


Date: July 21, 2022
Time: 1000–1200h PT
There is no cost to register for this event. Registration is required.

The webinar is open to the public; ECS membership is not required.


Dustin McLarty
Assistant Professor
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Washington State University (WSU)

Date: June 28, 2022
Time: 1000–1100h PT
There is no cost to register for this event. Registration is required.
Registration: Participants must preregister through ECS My Account. Don’t have one? It’s easy to createvisit Create an Account now.

The webinar is open to the public; ECS membership is not required.

This webinar discusses tradeoffs in high-pressure steam electrolysis, and describes testing novel materials and manufacturing for solid oxide electrolyzers. (more…)

Mitchell KaiserThe winner of the first ECS Pacific Northwest Section Electrochemistry Student Award has been named: Mitchell Kaiser of the University of Washington. Join us in congratulating him! Kaiser will receive the award at this summer’s ECS Pacific Northwest Section meeting.

The section established the award in 2021 to recognize promising young engineers and scientists pursuing PhDs in electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry, and to encourage recipients to continue careers in these fields. The winner receives a US $1,000 prize. Visit the award page for the full award description. (more…)

Mark J. WilleyIf you missed Dr. Mark Willey’s webinar, the live webinar was recorded and has been uploaded to the official ECS YouTube channel for open-access viewing. View it now!

The Society and ECS Pacific Northwest Section hosted the webinar, “The U.S. Lithium Battery Market and the Challenge of Supporting it with Domestic Suppliers,” on May 3, 2022. This interesting, forward-thinking presentation and lively Q&A session covered: (more…)

Mark J. Willey
Battery Materials and Systems
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
University of Washington, Seattle

Date: May 3, 2022
Time: 1000–1100h PT
There is no cost to register for this event, but registration is required.
Registration: You must preregister through ECS My Account. Don’t have one? It’s easy to createvisit Create an Account now.

The webinar is open to the public; ECS membership is not required. (more…)

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