The ECS Pacific Northwest Section proudly presents Dr. David Reed and Dr. Wei Wang via free digital webinar on January 28, 2021, at 1100h PT. Pre-registration is required; ECS membership is not a pre-requisite for participation.

R&D Efforts in Energy Storage Technologies for the Grid at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Dr. David Reed
Chief Material Scientist/Program Manager
Battery Materials and Systems Group
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Dr. Wei Wang
Energy Storage Materials Initiative
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Date: January 28, 2021

Time: 1100h PT / 1400h ET (more…)

The ECS Board of Directors chartered a new ECS section on October 16, 2020. With the addition of the ECS Pacific Northwest Section, the Society now hosts over 24 region-specific sections providing opportunities for regional scientists and engineers to connect with researchers and participate in various events. Jie Xiao, ECS Fellow and Battery Division Secretary, took the lead in chartering the section and now serves as its chair.

The ECS Pacific Northwest Section seeks to connect all interested parties from academia, industry, and government, and bridge a scientific gap while providing networking opportunities that could lead to new developments—and help members advance their careers. The section serves all of the universities and national labs in Washington State, Idaho, and Oregon. Xiao believes the section will bolster the growth of the electrochemistry and solid state science fields in the Pacific Northwest. (more…)

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