Congratulations to the PRiME 2016 Student Poster Session winners!
It is with great pride that ECS honors the winners of the General Student Poster Session Awards for the PRiME 2016 meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. In following with the meeting tradition, awards recognized the top poster presentations in electrochemical and solid state categories.
ECS established the General Student Poster Session Awards in 1993 to acknowledge the eminence of its students’ work. The winners exhibit a profound understanding of their research topic and its relation to fields of interest to ECS.
In order to be eligible for the General Student Poster Session Awards, students must submit their abstracts to the Z01 General Society Student Poster Session symposium and present their posters at the biannual meeting. First and second place winners receive a certificate in addition to a cash award.
The winners of the General Student Poster Session Awards for the PRiME 2016 Meeting are as follows: