UPDATE: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 11th International Frumkin Symposium on Electrochemistry has been postponed until October 2021 (expectedly October 18-22). Learn more here.

Inviting all ECS members

In honor of the 125th anniversary of the birth of famous electrochemist Alexander N. Frumkin, the organizing committee of the Frumkin symposium invites all ECS members for participation on

October 19-23, 2020 in Moscow, Russia

The symposium covers principal areas of modern electrochemistry. It will be carried out in the form of eight parallel sections: (more…)

The Electrochemical Society honors 2019 Nobel Chemistry Prize laureates, John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham, and Akira Yoshino, by the launch of a new collection highlighting their scientific contributions published by ECS. In addition, ECS recognizes their contributions in the winter 2019 issue of Interface, now available online.

Goodenough, Whittingham, and Yoshino have been deeply involved with The Electrochemical Society—as members, authors, editors, fellows, meeting participants and organizers, awardees, and more. Their publications with ECS, to varying degrees, trace the history of the development of the Lithium-ion battery, the revolutionary invention for which they shared the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. (more…)

In “Approaches for the Electrochemical Interrogation of DNA-Based Sensors: A Critical Review,” Miguel Aller Pellitero, Alexander Shaver, and Netzahualcóyotl (Netz) Arroyo-Currás reviewed the specific advantages of the electroanalytical methods most commonly used for the interrogation of DNA-based sensors.

Arroyo-Currás, ECS member and associate editor, Journal of the Electrochemical Society sensors technical area, provided more background information to the article in response to questions from the ECS Blog.

What are DNA-based electrochemical sensors?

These are measurement platforms that employ any form of DNA as the molecular recognition element. We must remember that electrochemistry is extremely sensitive (for example, there is significant work regarding stochastic detection of single entities like molecules, nanoparticles and whole cells and viruses) but lacks specificity; thus, relying on the molecular binding properties of DNA allows us to selectively detect molecules even in complex biological environments. (more…)

Sensor DivisionDeadline: March 1, 2020

The ECS Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award was established in 1989 to recognize outstanding achievement in research and/or technical contributions to the field of sensors and to encourage work excellence in the field. The award consists of a framed certificate and a $1,000 prize. The next award winner is recognized at the PRiME 2020, in Honolulu, HI, from October 4-9, 2020.

Joseph Wang received the award in 2018. He is Distinguished Professor, SAIC Endowed Chair and Chair in the Department of Nanoengineering at University of California, San Diego; and director of the UCSD Center of Wearable Sensors. His award talk, “Electrochemical Sensors: From Beakers to the Skin and the Mouth,” was presented at the 2018 PRiME meeting in Hawaii.


Time to Update Your ECS Bookmarks

To ensure easy access to important research in The Electrochemical Society publications, update your bookmarks. Since ECS launched its partnership with IOP Publishing on January 2, 2020, all ECS digital publications are only available through IOPscience. ECS bookmarks will not be rewritten by the server. You must update your URLs (web page addresses) yourself.

Here is information on the new URLs—and instructions on how to update your old ECS URLs. (more…)

2020 ECS Battery Division Awards

Battery DivisionNominations Deadline: March 15

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Battery Division is accepting nominations for four awards: the Battery Division Research Award, Technology Award, Postdoctoral Associate Research Award, and Student Research Award. The award winners are recognized at PRiME 2020 in Honolulu, Hawaii, from October 4-9, 2020.

Battery Division Research Award: established in 1958 to encourage excellence in battery and fuel cell research, and to encourage publication in ECS journals. The winner receives a framed certificate; a $2,000 prize; and ECS Battery Division membership for as long as the recipient maintains Society membership.


When ECS and IOP Publishing complete their partnership on January 2, 2020, with the launch of the ECS Digital Library on IOPscience, two great institutions will bring over 200 years of experience in excellent scientific publishing to advancing theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects.


IOP Publishing—the publishing company of the Institute of Physics—partners with ECS in publishing the Journal of the Electrochemical Society (JES) and the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, and hosting ECS TransactionsECS Meeting Abstracts, and Interface, as well as hosting ECS’s retired publications archives—ECS Electrochemistry LettersECS Solid State Letters, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, and ECS Proceedings Volumes. (more…)

Accepting Submissions: December 26, 2019 – March 25, 2020

Submit your manuscripts to the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Focus Issue on Gallium Oxide Based Materials and Devices II.

About the focus issue

This issue of the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology is the second in a series that aims to cover the growth, characterization, processing and device applications of Ga2O3. GaN and SiC based wide bandgap device technologies have matured and become limited by fundamental material properties. A new class of oxide wide band gap materials are emerging (gallium oxide and aluminum gallium oxide) that offer potentially improved figure of merit over GaN and SiC for power devices. The availability of Ga2O3 single crystals and epitaxial films with large area and excellent quality has led to renewed interest in this ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor for solar-blind photodetectors, sensors, and power electronics. (more…)

2019 Nobel Lectures in Chemistry

John Goodenough, Stanley Whittingham, and Akira Yoshino, co-winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, delivered their Nobel Lectures at The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 8. The 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry recognized the three scientists’ seminal contributions in the development of the Lithium-ion battery. GoodenoughWhittingham, and Yoshino are longtime members of The Electrochemical Society (ECS); Goodenough and Whittingham are ECS Fellows.

The Nobel Foundation statutes require the Laureates to give lectures on a subject connected with the work for which the prize has been awarded.

John Goodenough had his pre-taped lecture delivered by Arumugam Manthiram on the topic of Designing Lithium-ion Cathodes.

Stanley Whittingham discussed The Origins of the Lithium Battery.

Akira Yoshino presented a Brief History and Future of Lithium-ion Batteries. (more…)

John B. Goodenough © Nobel Media. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

As John B. Goodenough looked on, his Nobel Lecture was delivered by Arumugam Manthiram at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University, on December 8, 2019. Both Goodenough and Manthiram are fellows of The Electrochemical Society (ECS).

Nobel Laureates are required to give a lecture on a subject connected with the work for which they receive the award. Goodenough videotaped his lecture, “Designing Lithium-ion Battery Cathodes,” before December 8, then invited Manthiram to present it in Stockholm. Manthiram added explanations and comments between Goodenough’s slides and video, concluding with a summary of Goodenough’s research and its historical significance. The three classes of materials Goodenough discovered—layered oxide, spinel oxide, and polyanion oxide—still remain the only viable cathodes and the basis for future development. Goodenough pushed the boundaries of sold-state chemistry and physics. “His trump card is using chemistry and physics to solve engineering problems,” said Manthiram on another occasion. (more…)